In the last few years since Tyler TX Directory has come under new ownership, a lot has been written about Tyler’s Caldwell Zoo. The zoo has been a worthy point of pride for Tylerites since its founding in 1953. Ever since that time the institution has grown steadily, all the while offering any number of educational programs to area youth and families.
The East Texas climate makes spring and fall the best times of the year to visit the zoo. What better way to spend a beautiful autumn weekend then packing up the boy and strolling through the park like- grounds of the Caldwell Zoo? Well, it seems I wasn’t the only one to whom this thought occurred today. Saturday, October thirtieth was the zoo’s Boo at the Zoo Halloween party. Everywhere there were parents and children in every imaginable Halloween costume. Zoo employees where around every bend handing out candy to young visitors, and letting patrons get up close and personal with animals more in keeping with the Halloween spirit, particularly snakes, spiders, reptiles and other critters.
I don’t exactly remember my last visit but it seems every time I go I find something new. Whether the exhibits I find are actually new or simply new to me, I can’t be sure but it always adds to my experience to observe the zoo’s growth. This time I discovered (or re

discovered, whichever the case may be), the Penguin tanks. I don’t know too many folks who would fail to be entertained by the show they put on. I have to say however that my favorite stop remains the Chakula Café. In cooler weather it’s an ideal spot to sit, read and take in the view of the African exhibit. Add a good cup of coffee to that by the way and you have the makings of a pretty fine day.
Today’s event was a great idea. It gave parents a memorable way to celebrate Halloween with younger children, in a safe family friendly environment. Even better, it’s educational! For those who missed Boo at the Zoo, don’t worry. You haven’t missed autumn. There’s plenty of time to enjoy fall at the Caldwell Zoo. For more info on the zoo and its upcoming events, visit their web site at, or see any of the many other articles on this site by clicking on the Zoos listing to the right of this article.