Voodoo Halloween over by South Broadway Wal-Mart
About a month before Halloween you will see a couple different Halloween costume stores open up in Tyler.
One of these costume stores will be quite a bit cheaper than the other one. I recommend doing a little price comparison before settling on a costume to save a bundle.
I also noticed that there are quite a few Halloween costumes over by Super 1 Foods in the Dollar General Card and Party store.
The two Halloween stores show up at different spots each year based on what large square footage area is available for rent.
Last year the old Linens and Things building by Ross was used for one of these Halloween stores. What you see a lot of in both stores are the bedroom costumes.
What I mean by bedroom costumes are the catholic school girl outfits, the skimpy nurse, the mens extra short shorts UPS worker outfit, and the list goes on and on.
It can be pretty funny during the Halloween holiday as you see the teeny boppers walking around town in these bedroom outfits.
These kids “try to hard parents buy these costumes” for their kids sometimes so just maybe they will be seen as the “cool parent”. It’s amazing what parents will do to be accepted by their children these days.
This year rather than buying a bedroom costume for your already confused teenager I recommend giving them some face paint and have them decorate some of their old clothes.
If you want to buy a Halloween mask in Tyler Texas I recommend buying it online rather than purchasing in the store as it may come with some little kid boogers.
The first one of these Halloween costume stores in Tyler we have seen just popped up over by South Broadway Wal-Mart and it is called Voodoo Halloween. Go by and check it out.
Tyler TX Halloween stores typically open around Labor Day. (also Labour Day in Canada), but this varies by a week or two in either direction…4 September 2010
If your looking for a traditional type of haunted house in Tyler check out Terror Nights