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Reform to Patent Litigation in Marshall Texas

December 21st, 2010

marshall texas patent trollsLike a modern day Alamo, the people of the Republic of Texas in Marshall need to board up the windows and doors and get ready for the fight of their life. Except it’s not the Mexican Army that’s coming, it’s the Coalition for Patent Fairness. And let me tell you, they have some heavy hitters. In response to heavy hits that they have been taking, some large businesses have formed or joined this coalition in order to bring reform to how patents and patent litigation is done.

The list includes popular companies like Apple, Cisco, Dell, Google, Intel, Microsoft, and Palm. We could confidently say that it’s not so much what is taking place in the courts of East Texas with their high rate of rewarded patent infringement lawsuits that has become the enemy of these companies than the whole system of patent litigation itself. The groups formed in this coalition have clearly stated on their website the ammunition they plan on using for the fight, this includes no more forums shopping, putting a cap on damages, and the standard of whether or not infringement has taken place.

These weapons of choice will make a big impact in infringement cases and thus, a direct attack against the gold mine that has come to East Texas. Although there is not a lot being said in the media, this coalition is quietly gathering an powerful army that includes the likes of the institutions of Federal Trade Commission and National Academy of Sciences, media giants like New York Times and Los Angeles Times, as well as President Barak Obama stating that it is part of his economy stimulus agenda.

There is no denying that patent infringement litigation has become a great benefit to the small town of Marshall, but with the pieces that seem to be coming together, it looks like they are in store for the fight of their lives.

Oliver North Comes to Tyler

November 10th, 2010
Tyler Texas Oliver North

Oliver North

Marine Corp vet, war hero, author and Fox News personality Oliver North will be in Tyler on Sunday, November 14th in order to hold a book signing at Barnes and Noble Booksellers. During the 1980s the Colonel was a lightning rod for controversy due to his role in covert affairs like Iran- Contra. He became a conservative icon when he testified forcefully before congress in 1987 regarding that policy.

Even today North often plays a central role in all kinds of internet whack- job conspiracy theories. Enter his name into Google and your likely find all sorts stories propagated by strange men in their forties who sit hunched over their computers in their parents basements narrating plots involving Colonel North, Jack Bauer and Dale Gribble.

Proponents of such nonsense by the way, consistently accuse non- believers of naiveté for their failure to buy into their elaborate contrivances. In general, I accept the notion that the simplest answer is probably the best answer, not always mind you, but usually. In general I detest conspiracy theories as they muddle the truth to the point that it becomes difficult for people to distinguish it even when reality stares them in the face. But I digress.

Since his days serving in the administrations of Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush, Colonel North has become a tireless advocate for the American servicemen, both at home and abroad. His latest book is entitled: American Heroes: Special Operations. The book chronicles the struggles and sacrifices of the American special ops forces serving in the war against terror, in all theaters. The book also features the work of photo journalist Chuck Holton.

It is a moving tribute to our soldiers in harm’s way and the timing of its release, (right before Veteran’s day) was very appropriate. Regardless of political persuasion Colonel North’s work on behalf of Americans in uniform is something we all can and should support. I trust Tylerites will give Mr. North a warm welcome. For more information on North’s visit to Tyler see the following website: http://www.kltv.com/Global/story.asp?S=13452684; or call the Tyler Barnes and Noble at (903) 534-3996.

Tyler Texas Haunted House

October 30th, 2010

Terror Nights Haunted House
816 E. Oakwood St.
Tyler, TX 75702
Between East Commerce Street and North Beverly Avenue

Phone: 903-363-3291

Website: http://www.terrornightshaunt.com/

Someone named Sheri wrote a really negative review about this haunted house in Tyler on Google Places, she said

“My experience to your haunted house was definitely a nightmare. I was pushed out the exit doors and got to spend the night in the ER with 30 stiches”

I have not been to this haunted house before but it seems to be sponsored by a ton of big companies including the Spirit Halloween costume store.

A veteran actor and employee posted a 5 star positive review back stating that her review of this haunted house is a lie.

So we have a one 1 star review and one 5 star review from an employee, hmm which one should we listen too?

The Terror Nights Haunted House is touted to be a very safe experience by the veteran employee responding to Sheri.

The employee mentioned that this year they installed a top of the line fire safety system. Terror Nights has safety exit doors in every room and they train their employees to keep a watchful eye while scaring you at the same time.

Although this employee says Sheri is a liar the employee also states that they are sorry if the incidents she claimed happened really did happen.

The employee goes on to say some of the things in her review however ring false.

I am a safety conscience person and would personally like to know what in Sheris review is false. It would be helpful to know if the 30 stitches was needed because of a gash from the Terror Nights Haunted House or something else.

My conclusion in regards to all this injury drama is that I will definitely be scared if I go through Terror Nights Haunted House regardless how good or bad the acting and costumes might be.

East Texas Intellectual Property Rights Law

October 26th, 2010
Patent Harbor LLC

Patent Harbor LLC

Today I was at the Regions Bank building in downtown Tyler to see a lawyer. I didn’t quite stop all the way at a stop sign and there was a police man watching the whole thing. I received a ticket for not stopping completely at a stop sign and so I bit the bullet and took my traffic citation and told the police officer “thank you for serving”.

Although I hated getting a ticket for what I would consider a technicality they risk their lives every day and perform a very necessary service people like me just aren’t cut out for. So I thanked the police officer which I believe everyone should do.

Click here to contact a patent law attorney

I drove on after signing that I may appear in court for my traffic citation and drove up to the Regions Bank building in downtown Tyler Texas. I road the elevator up to the 8th floor to speak with an attorney that handles traffic tickets. While up there I noticed a locked office door with a sign that read “Patent Harbor LLC”.

I spoke to a woman on this same floor who says that hardly ever is someone there. She said they rent the office but no one is ever there except on rare occasions. When people do show up it is a big throng of people and has the feel of a Hollywood movie.

I mentioned the catch phrase, “patent troll” and she had no idea what this was or what these companies do. She was completely in the dark about “patent trolls” as her law firm did not handle cases like this. She said there were several other empty rented offices like this in the Regions Bank building and she has heard they are similar type of businesses.

Regions Bank Tyler TX

Regions Bank Patent Troll Building

I looked into Patent Harbor LLC a little further by doing a Google search and they are suing quite a few big name companies over patent infringement. Many would say this is another case of patent troll litigation where a company buys patents not ever intending to make anything from the patents but to generate revenue by suing large established companies with millions of dollars. I however do not know all the facts in this specific case and will remain opinion-less on who the guilty party is. If you happen to know if Patent Harbor is or is not a patent troll please feel free to comment below.

Only a few short weeks ago Apple lost a patent infringement lawsuit against an alleged patent troll and was ordered to pay over $600 million dollars in the lawsuit.

Click here to contact a patent law attorney

The reason you will see empty locked offices in Tyler Texas rented by out of town patent holding companies who setup business in Tyler is based on the theory that the Texas Eastern District Court
often sides with the plaintiff in these cases in a jury trial setting.

Some say the judges are corrupt and others say the juries in East Texas simply do not understand the complexity of these cases which is why large companies like Apple have to pay millions of dollars to what some call “Patent Trolls”.

Whether Patent Harbor LLC is a patent troll or not is not for me to determine as I do not know the facts of this case in great detail. I do find it curious how many lawsuits regarding patent infringement are purposefully tried in Tyler and East Texas.

More on Patent Harbor LLC

RFC Case Number: P-P10-361A
Court Case Number: 6:10-cv-00361-LED
File Date: Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Plaintiff: Patent Harbor, LLC

Plaintiff Counsel: Keith A. Rutherford, John C. Cain, Scott Reese of Wong Cabello Lutsch Rutherford & Brucculeri LLP
T. John Ward Jr. of Ward & Smith Law Firm

Defendant: Audiovox Corporation
Radioshack Corporation
Vizio, Inc.
Klipsch, LLC
Klipsch Group
GPX, Inc.
DPI, Inc.
Sherwood America Incorporated
Imation Corporation
Sharp Electronics Corporation
Haier America Trading LLC
Best Buy Co., Inc.
Denon Electronics (USA), LLC
Harmon International Industries, Inc.
Initial Technology, Inc.
JVC Americas Corporation
Onkyo USA Corporation
Panasonic Corporation of North America
Philips Electronics North America Corporation
Pioneer Electronics (USA) Inc.
Samsung Electronics America, Inc.
Samsung C&T America, Inc.
Toshiba America, Inc.
Toshiba America Consumer Products LLC.,
Venturer Electronics, Inc.
Yamaha Corporation of America
Yamaha Electronics Corproation, USA

Cause: 35:271 Patent Infringement
Court: Texas Eastern District Court
Judge: Judge Leonard Davis

Why Exactly You Should Be Concerned About Patent Infringement

The word “intellectual” gives a pretty good clue as to what intellectual property rights law covers: ideas. More importantly, East Texas intellectual property rights law covers original ideas. Obviously, intellectual property law covers a very broad spectrum. Anything from books to machines to company logos falls under intellectual property law.

Intellectual property rights law plays quite a role in East Texas. Because intellectual property law protects creators with original ideas from others trying to benefit from their work, it encourages individuals to come up with new products and ideas. Within intellectual property rights law, there are three main subcategories. These include copyrights, patents, and trademarks. While all of these are pretty similar, they have their differences as well. Copyright law usually protects expressive artwork. It gives owners of the copyright exclusive rights to reproduce, display, or perform the work and punishes those who infringe by law. Patent law protects inventions and gives the creator exclusive rights, but only for a limited amount of time. After the time period is up, anyone can reproduce or copy the work. Last, trademark law deals with the logos, names, and identifying marks of products and companies.

Click here to contact a patent law attorney

East Texas intellectual property rights law is very strict when it comes to violations. It is very important to hire a lawyer specializing in intellectual property rights law if you are forced to go to court for infringement or to pursue an infringement against you.

Choices Among Tyler Texas Newspaper and News Sources

November 17th, 2009

Local Tyler News Sources Top 6 List

Since the physical form of “the paper” is almost not relevant anymore I have listed the top Tyler Texas news sources in our city below. You may click on the links below and read the latest news stories in Tyler from any of these news organizations.

Why Has The Physical Newspaper Lost Its Appeal?

In Tyler Texas you have several different avenues to consider when picking your news source. My generation for the most part will not subscribe to a newspaper as we get our news from Google, Drudgereport, Fox News, or some of the other liberal media sources out there owned by the government. A newspaper is still a great thing and has a nostalgic place in my heart but not enough to want to pay a monthly subscription fee. 

Tyler Paper

Tyler Paper

 Maybe once a year I might break down and buy a Tyler newspaper but that is on very rare occassions. I do however have a great idea for the Tyler Texas newspaper in helping with building up their newspaper subscriptions back to where they once were. Has anyone reading this ever heard of the Amazon Kindle or the latest new device, the Apple tablet? The Kindle is basically a hardware device that can load electronic books onto it and many believe the Apple tablet is going to popularize devices like the Kindle. A Tyler TX newspaper could offer the Apple Tablet or Kindle for free or at a discount to all their current subscribers and save money on printing and delivery. The monthly subscription could still be in place but instead of delivering a physical newspaper a Tyler Texas resident simply needs to download the latest epaper onto their Apple tablet or Kindle device.

The Apple tablet is getting a lot of buzz from many newspaper companies as they attempt to revitalize their subscription services that have dwindled down to practically nothing. I think people in Tyler TX would be more excited about an Apple Tablet than a Kindle device I think exploring this new technology with the rest of the newspaper industry would be worth it for the Tyler Paper.

Using The Kindle As A Newspaper Reader

The Kindle is one of the simplest electronic devices out there and much easier to use and master compared to a personal computer or laptop. If the Tyler Texas newspaper were to implement their paper on a subscription basis through an Apple tablet or Kindle ebook reader I would personally be more likely to subscribe to it. 



 People would be able to buy and download ebooks onto the Kindle as well as read the newspaper. The incentive would be in having a free Kindle or discounted Apple Tablet that could double as a reader for Amazon books you buy. Paper subscriptions would increase and the newspaper would arise to the digital age a little later but not too late.

Newspaper Marketing Companies Should Be Used By Tyler Texas Newspaper Companies

There are newspaper marketing companies out there that could setup the Tyler Texas newspaper with a way to implement something like this. I think it would be a great benefit to old and new newspaper readers. It would probably be cost efficient to even have newspaper workers offer to come into the homes of those who would like a tutorial in how to use the Apple Tablet or Kindle to read the paper. Considering that one tutorial would get someone started in never having to wait for physically delivery of the paper again I think it is a win win.