Disney Music in Tyler Texas at the UT at Tyler Cowan Center
The UT Tyler’s Cowan Center opens its stage to many different performances through out the year. Some of the most popular people and plays have preformed on the Cowan Center‘s stage. This past year comedian John Lithgow, Deal or No Deals’ Howie Mandel, and even the United States former president George W. Bush, have all preformed at the Cowan Center. January brings a whole new variety of shows and performances.
January 15, 2011 the East Texas Symphony Orchestra, along with music director and conductor Per Brevig, introduce Disney in Concert at the UT Tyler Cowan Center. This event will feature many different songs and music from popular Disney movies such as The Lion King, The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, Mary Poppins, and Pirates of the Caribbean. The concert is a multi-media extravaganza that will display pictures of the Disney films on a large screen behind the orchestra. The Disney in Concert is a great way to introduce young children to the world of classical music and symphonies. All songs are performed by the East Texas Symphony Orchestra along with a quartet of guest vocalists. Matinee tickets are on sale now of $10-$15 dollars, or you can buy tickets at the door for $15-$20. Tickets for the evening show are on sale for $10-$55, you can find discounts for groups and students. Your whole family will enjoy this concert of the most magical movies and songs.
January 13, 2011 UT Tyler presents an Evening with Jon Landau. Jon Landau is best known for producing two of the most famous movies, and the two highest grossing movies of all time, Titanic and Avatar. Landau has won an Academy Award and two Golden Globe awards. He has played part in creating and producing many great films over the years and is known for his understanding of visual effect technologies (even the most complex and complicated visual effects), and his motivation, and his ability to motivate others. This lecture will be a motivating look into the profession world of producing and the behind the scenes of some of the most popular movies of all times.
January 27, 2011 the amazing talent of violinist Joshua Bell. He stole the attention of America at the age of 14. He is a winner of a Grammy Award for Best Instrumental Soloist Performance with Orchestra. Joshua Bell is one of the biggest and well-know performers in the classical music industry. His beautiful music has caught the attention of the nation and the Cowan Center is bringing his talent to Tyler.
Tickets are already on sale for all of these shows and also for musical show The Color Purple. The Color Purple has been nominated and won many different awards for the Broadway musical. The Cowan Center has shows for all different people and for all ages. The Cowan Center’s stage has had many great musicals, plays, and performers. Students can get discounts or can get in free to some of the shows, for information about the shows and discounts contact the Cowan Center Box Office.
Texas Governor’s Race
October 5th, 2010Bill White
I’m just old enough to remember a Texas Governor named White. He was a soft on crime, liberal tax and spender who was defeated after just four years in office. Well, there’s another White running for Texas Governor, and he shares more than just a last name with the former Governor. Bill White, the one- time Houston Mayor, is making his rounds through Texas this fall. He’s desperately trying to avoid being seen with or generally connected to President Obama, all the while supporting nearly all his initiatives, including Obamacare, Cap and Trade etc. Bill White claims that our state is not leading our nation to the degree that it should. Tell that to out of state Americans who are moving here in huge numbers due to the Obama recession.
Now I’ll be the first to admit that I have often disagreed with Governor Perry, however it is his largely pro-business positions that have allowed our state to sit out this depression, relative to the experiences of the other states. Bill White is playing the very same anti- business anti- insurance tune the President has been playing the last few years, hoping against hope we won’t place the melody. The real question however is this, in an election year when the American people are poised to send severance checks to more than half of congress, and having a “D” by one’s name is a political death sentence, how can the most conservative state in the Union even consider voting a liberal trial lawyer turned politician into the governor’s office?
In 1983 Texas elected a Liberal Democrat followed by a not exactly conservative Republican. In 1990 we tried electing another Liberal Democrat, and again after four years we decided it wasn’t for us. Since then we’ve had two middle of the road Republican Governors in the forms of George W. Bush and Rick Perry. And while they’ve not been as conservative as some of us would have preferred, our state does in fact lead the nation in economic stability. The fact is this is not the year to experiment with another one term Liberal Dem. In an election year when Nancy Pelosi’s state of California is on the cusp of electing an actual conservative as governor, voting for White amounts to plucking economic and political defeat from the jaws of victory. This more liberal socialist road the country is traveling is not where most Texans what to go. So what does this mean for Tylerites and East Texans?
Rick Perry
It means that as a more conservative bastion, we’re going to have to put our feet down, and continue to wrestle against the more liberal urban centers in our own state. Even Texas cities like Houston and Austin can drag an otherwise conservative state into the blue. And let me assure the reader that I love those cities, and I gladly visit them regularly. I even spend money there. But it’s bad enough that the city of Sam Houston was once led by a man who governed more like Mirabeau Lamar, (at least in terms of fiscal policy). And that’s probably unfair to Lamar. It would be a shame to have Sam’s entire republic governed by him too.
Tags: Bill White, Business Positions, Conservative Republican, Conservative State, Death Sentence, Election Year, George W Bush, Governor Bill, Governor Perry, Houston Mayor, Liberal Democrat, Political Death, Politician, Pro Business, Recession, Republican Governors, Rick Perry, Severance, Spender, Texas Governor, Texas governors race, Trial Lawyer
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