Giving birth is such a life-changing, momentous event. Expectant parents should be careful when considering where they will deliver and who will help them.
Tyler, of course, has a number of excellent hospitals with very good maternity wards. But many women consider the hospital experience to be joyless, impersonal, and overly clinical. After all, pregnancy is not a disease to be treated primarily by drugs and disease specialists. It is a natural, beautiful part of life that ought to be celebrated and enjoyed. That’s why many women are turning toward Midwifery. Midwives have been operating for milleniu, all the way back to ancient Egypt!
In Tyler, the midwife community is lucky to have Certified Texas Midwife Thalia Hufton, Thalia is the founder and lead midwife of Childbirth Services, a licensed midwifery service that puts the mother in the driver’s seat, letting her choose what course of action is right for her and her baby. There are no cookie-cutters at Childbirth Services, because no two women–or two pregnancies–are exactly alike.
Thalia and her team provide excellent, comprehensive prenatal care, a large lending resource library, and amazing midwife availability. Whether it’s your first or your fourth, you’ll find comfort in knowing you have easy access to expert care. What makes them so effective? Knowledge and availability. Thalia and her associates have decades of experience giving prenatal counseling and helping moms deliver strong, healthy babies. And when problems or questions arise, they are just a phone call away. How many doctors will give you their beepers?
Your journey with Childbirth Services begins with a free consultation. This 30 minute interview will help Thalia and you decide whether Childbirth Services will be a good fit for you. If yours is a low risk pregnancy and you decide to utilize her services, she will start by helping you formulate a Personal Birth Plan. This will be a roadmap for your pregnancy journey, including all prenatal labs and checkups and ending only after 6 weeks of postpartum care. Your Personal Birth Plan is just that: personal. Since every pregnancy is different, Thalia will help you find a healthy rhythm as you progress toward your due date.
Along the way, Childbirth Service will offer many different types of therapy that are often overlooked or dismissed in traditional maternity care including herbal and aroma therapies, which many women say are extremely helpful.
As the big day approaches, you will be able to choose where you will have your baby. If you prefer, your midwife will come to your home. Otherwise, you can deliver at the Birth Center. The Birth Center, located in the Childbirth Services office facility, offers comfortable, homey bedrooms with all the necessary materials on hand right there. If you prefer a water-birth, they can accommodate that too in their large bath tub, although many women in labor just like to soak and relax for a while before delivery. Most importantly, the birth center is located just a few blocks from Mother Frances Hospital and East Texas Medical Center. Should a medical crisis arise, emergency care is only a minute away.
Assuming all goes smoothly, there is no need for you to stay at the Birth Center for long if you don’t want to. It’s not like a hospital, where moms are made to stay for two days. If your baby seems healthy and you feel good, you can go home when you are ready. And Thalia’s aftercare is every bit as warm and flexible as her prenatal care.
My husband and I personally experienced the care offered by Thalia and Childbirth Services. The costs were very low and the advice was always solid. Best of all, Thalia became much more than a midwife. She became a friend during our journey. She cheered me on when things were going well, and prayed hard for me when they got difficult. And in the end, the love and skill she and her colleagues showed helped to bring us two beautiful children. We still send her family newsletters to this day.
If you are going to have a baby, and your pregnancy is considered “low risk,” you would do well to consider Thalia Hufton and Childbirth Services.