December 22nd, 2010
You have probably heard of the Big 3 of Lebron James, Dwyane Wade, and Chris Bosh and of the impact they made in the NBA this past off season when the three made the decision to join forces on the Miami Heat. Of course most of that impact has been made in the hype more than the product on the court. That is, so far.
But there is another Big 3 who are making an impact on the court as well, just not the basketball type. Much a-do has been said about the trend of patent infringement litigation taking place in East Texas and the appropriately named “patent trolls” who are responsible for the substantial growth of these cases. But the beginning of this trend was due, in part, to three men: Judge T. John Ward of Marshall, Judge Leonard Davis of Tyler, and Judge David Folsom of Texarkana.
These three men have made an impact due to the consistency in which plaintiffs of patent infringements win their cases in their courts. Now, there is no way we can say if these findings are not legitimate, but what we can say is that the perceived favoritism towards these plaintiffs has opened up a can of worms. Like sharks smelling blood in the water, these patent trolls came running for the opportunity to cash in on their strategy of using bought off patents to try and snag other businesses in patent infringements.
And it looks like they have found a home, especially when you consider that in a stretch of 3 years the number of patent infringement cases multiplied almost 20 times! Just like the Miami Heat are finding out about their “Big 3” East Texas is learning that too much of a good thing isn’t always so good.
Tags: Blood In The Water, Can Of Worms, Chris Bosh, Dwyane Wade, East Texas, Favoritism, Hype, Judge David, Lebron James, Leonard Davis, Miami Heat, Patent Infringement Cases, Patent Infringement Litigation, Patent Infringements, Patent Troll Christmas Payday, Pay Day, Plaintiffs, Sharks, Substantial Growth, Three Men, Trolls
Posted in Attorneys | No Comments »
September 2nd, 2009
I have lived in Tyler off and on for a lot of years. I’ve been eating at Taqueria El Lugar for much of that time. The original Gentry location was the only store when I first tasted the super quesadillas but they taste the same today as they did back then. I have always been amazed at the incredibly diverse group of people I find there. Tylerites of absolutely all strips can be found in this local landmark which goes to prove the point that quality knows no favoritism.
El Lugar is a classic East Texas success story. All the locations are family owned and operated. After spending years in the same location the business has exploded into five, (yes count ‘em five), different stores around the Tyler area. And their fame has spread far beyond even our great State. I know, because on numerous occasions I have taken out of state guests for an authentic Mexican food experience. I recall once while living in St Paul Minnesota, I returned home for a teacher’s conference. While in Tyler I introduced my administrator to the favorite restaurant of my youth. We returned to El Lugar the following day, even going so far as to postpone our return trip to the mid west in order to have one last number seven.
Since I’ve moved home the restaurant has expanded again and again. The prices are slightly higher than they were when I moved away, but at three eighty nine a piece, the quesadillas are still so worth it! While the atmosphere is admittedly nothing to write home about, the quality of the food more than makes up for it. There is also the take out option, however if you exercise it I suggest calling ahead. So even though I realize I give the following advice a lot, I’ll say it again. The next time you have guests don’t take them to the local chain. Let them experience genuine East Texas food at its best. Neither you nor your guests will regret it. Try any of the five El Lugar locations in Tyler.
Tags: Authentic Mexican Food, Diverse Group, East Texas, Eighty Nine, El Lugar, El Lugar Tyler TX, Fame, Favorite Restaurant, Favoritism, Food Experience, Landmark, Mid West, Number Seven, Occasions, Quesadillas, Return Trip, St Paul Minnesota, State Guests, Success Story, Taqueria, Texas Food, Tyler Area, Tyler Texas Taqueria
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