December 31st, 2011
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Wow! I can actually go into a new year without wondering if I should make a new years resolution to workout again. I have been working out over at Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports the last few months and I have seen some dramatic results.
For instance, when I started working out there I weighed 195 pounds but as of today I weigh 172 pounds all from doing the kick boxing group exercise class they have there. I learned a few fundamental basic fighting skills through repetitive action on the kicking bag. I have increased my cardiovascular system through running the undulated indoor track during the 45 minute kick boxing class. I have also managed to tone up quite a bit and put on some muscle pounds.
I am a male and so I managed to lose a lot of weight because most of it was a lot of pure extra body fat on top of muscle. For women you will not always see a quick reduction in weight in the beginning as you are building a lot of muscle while at the same time shedding pounds. This class is just as much for women as it is for men and often times there are more women in my class than men.
What is so cool about XTC is that you get to see a full spectrum of fitness levels working out with you. Everyone pitches in to encourage and lift up those around them. You only workout as much as your body can handle but over time you will find that you are able to push a bit more each time and will eventually be able to accomplish everything the instructor asks the group to do.
I personally must still cheat on some exercises as I really push myself about as far as I can on each exercise and so many times I have to simply quit before the instructor tells us to stop.
If you are like many of us who will be making a new years resolution regarding fitness and weight loss in Tyler Texas I highly recommend trying out Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports. They have over 80 group exercise classes a week which are sure to keep you on track with your goals. The best thing about these classes is that they are free with your gym membership.
Tags: Amp, Body Fat, Cardiovascular System, Dramatic Results, Exercise Class, Exercises, Fitness Levels, Full Spectrum, Group Exercise Classes, Gym Workout, Kick Boxing Class, New Year, New Years Resolution, News Years Resolution, Pitches, Repetitive Action, Sports, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss, Wow, Xtc
Posted in Fitness Centers | No Comments »
September 19th, 2011
Hopefully your doing some type of daily exercise already but for most of us we aren’t and so I am here to get you going on something small but good.
I recommend you have a goal of twenty minutes of exercise or movement of some kind a day. You can even break up this into two 10 minute intervals.
These small steps will be easy to adapt to and once you are comfortable doing this try increasing the time to 30 minutes and than once more to 45 minutes.
You will need to minimize soreness since this is likely very new to your body so have this routine vary every other day to begin with.
As you get more comfortable with the routine try adding a day or two until you are working out 5 days a week.
One of the easiest forms of exercise to start out with is to do a brisk walk.
As long as you keep your heart rate at around 65 – 85 percent you will accomplish about as much as you would through jogging.
The way to determine if you are in your target heart rate is to still be able to carry on a conversation while sweating a little in the process of your workout.
To calculate what your low end target heart rate should be for your age take the number 220 minus your age (mine is 35) 220 – 35 = 185. Now multiply 185 by .65 and you get 120 beats per minute. Your high end target heart rate would be 185 x .85 = 157 beats per minute.
If you are 35 years of age you can safely workout within the range of 120 – 157 beats per minute so long as you are not huffing away and are still able to have a conversation.
Some people may prefer to push themselves much more than this but this is really all you need to do to begin getting into a good workout routine.
A group exercise class at a Tyler gym works very well for me because each person can workout at their own intensity while an instructor leads the class.
You can read more about my local Tyler gym group exercise experience here
Tags: 30 Minutes, 35 Years, Beats Per Minute, Brisk Walk, Exercise Class, Group Exercise, Intensity, Local Gym, Minute Intervals, Small Steps, Target Heart Rate, Twenty Minutes, Workout Routine
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
September 8th, 2011
Like many things in life we discover later on what we suspected and new all along. We now know cigarettes cause cancer, many plastic cups and things cooked in plastic cause cancer that have the chemical BPA, and exercise decreases the chances of many kinds of cancer as well as bone diseases like Osteoporosis. I often worry that my wife could end up with this debilitating disease simply because an abnormal amount of women get it even when they regularly take calcium supplements.
It has now been discovered that what helps women avoid getting this terrible bone loss disease is simply exercising on a regular basis. In fact exercise has a remarkably greater effect of preventing this disease than does calcium supplements. The predominant lifestyle determinant that will virtually wipe out your chance of getting a bone loss problem is in pursuing a daily workout routine. It is important that young women begin working out daily now so that bone loss can be stopped before too much aging has occurred already. Once you lose that bone you can’t easily add it it back, leaving your body vulnerable to brittle breakable bones, knee and hip fractures and bone surgeries later on in life.
This scientific finding is backed up in scientific journals and you can learn and read more about it by reading what Tom Llloyd, Phd epidemiologist at Penn State University College of Medicine has to say about it as found in the Journal of Pediatrics. It is really simple, exercise simply treats the problem of bone loss by strengthening your bones and muscles. You will also see a reduction in mineral loss, a better posture, and a fit body that reduces your chances of falling and breaking your bones in the first place by adhering to a daily workout routine.
What I do to make sure I follow through on a daily fitness routine is to trick myself into doing what I honestly really feel like I don’t have the time, will, or energy for by utilizing a group exercise class. If you are a young woman in Tyler concerned about bone loss and have a family history of this disease I encourage to begin working out. If you are older and have kids now and just feel like the opportunity to workout has past you by, don’t tell yourself that. It is never too late to begin a workout routine to assist in reducing bone loss.
Tags: Bone Diseases, Bone Loss, Bpa, Calcium Supplements, College Of Medicine, Determinant, Epidemiologist, Exercise Class, Fit Body, Fitness Routine, Group Exercise, Hip Fractures, Journal Of Pediatrics, Kinds Of Cancer, Penn State University, Penn State University College, Plastic Cups, Scientific Journals, Simple Exercise, Tyler gyms, Workout Routine
Posted in Self-improvement | No Comments »
August 23rd, 2011
I finished workout number 22 at Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports last week and I have yet to change my eating habits but I am now at 174 pounds from my all time maximize size of 195 pounds.
I am getting pretty good now at coming in almost every time to the group kickboxing class at noon at XTC. I am able to fit this 45 minute class in on my lunch break and get a really good cardio workout in while building a little muscle.
Because I am maintaining a moderate heart rate throughout the class it helps to decrease my appetite so even though I have not changed my eating habits I most likely do not eat as big of portions as I used to because I am just not that hungry anymore.
For having only done 22 workouts I would say that my weight loss is a pretty awesome result of this class and as a 35 year old male I see the main benefit being my increased health and lower chances of developing heart disease as I age.
I will likely eventually change up my diet more and eat healthier simply because as you move along the pathway of your goals you start to see your pathway light up in front of you showing you what to do next.
It simply becomes clearer as you move forward in business and life what the next step is and this is all a part of the game of success in whatever you do.
The important point to take away here is to do something. Move forward in some small manner and even though you don’t yet know what the end result or next step will be it will become clearer as you make some effort.
Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports makes your progress even faster as when in a group workout class you are told what to do throughout the entire workout. A group exercise class does not have much of a learning curve or self motivation factor as you are almost forcing your will into action.
Every time I go to do one of these workouts I am amazed at the level of intensity and can admit that if left on my own I would have likely not forced myself to complete the workout with the same amount of effort.
A good group exercise class like the kickboxing or cycling class at XTC is a great way to move yourself into a new positive routine in your life. I truly believe you will feel better, healthier, and have a new outlook on how easy it can be to achieve new goals in your life once you do this class a few times.
Go check out their website blog here to learn more: Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports
Tags: Amp, Appetite, Eating Habits, End Result, Exercise Class, Fitness Sports, Fitness Workout, Fitnesss, Good Cardio Workout, Group Exercise, Group Workout, Heart Disease, Heart Rate, Important Point, Intensity, kick boxing Tyler Texas, Learning Curve, Little Muscle, Motivation Factor, Number 22, Pathway, Self Motivation, Tony Cruz group kickboxing class, Tyler TX kickboxing class, Workouts
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
June 29th, 2011
I am now officially at workout number 7 after completing it today around 1:00 p.m.
During my lunch hour I run over to Tony Cruz XTC Fitness and Sports gym and get in a 45 minute kickboxing workout.
Since almost all of this workout is cardio with the occasional push ups you feel the pain. Regardless if you think your tough stuff if you don’t do normal cardio stuff on a regular basis this workout out will remind you of that.
Back on my 6th workout day I started to actually feel stronger. I could do quite a few more fist push ups and I didn’t feel so much like I was about to die.
I know that will power is the number one most powerful asset we as humans have and that my emotions would be telling me to quit at workout number 1.
As you can see I did kickboxing class number 7 and I am still alive and well and feeling much healthier, happier, and more alert than ever.
The kickboxing trainer I had to today was Andrew and on other days it is Corey. Both group exercise trainers are extremely helpful and encouraging throughout the 45 minutes.
If you want to get yourself into shape quick and don’t feel like you have the time then make some time during your lunch break. Go by Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports and meet a personal trainer or two and see what group exercise class and time would work best for you.
To read more on the benefits of an XTC Fitness gym workout read this
Tags: 6th Day, Amp, benefits of working out, Emotions, Exercise Class, Fist, Fitness Gym, Fitness Workout, Group Exercise, Gym Workout, gyms in Tyler TX, Lunch Hour, Nbsp, Number 1, Personal Trainer, Push Ups, Shape, Sports, Tony Cruz, Tough Stuff, Tyler gyms, Tyler TX, Tyler TX fitness centers, Tyler TX gym, UPS, Xtc, XTC Fitness
Posted in Fitness Centers | No Comments »