These bracelets and necklaces circling the globe are nothing new but are being repackaged and marketed in such a way that I cannot walk down the street anymore without hearing someone say “power balance” “Phiten” or “balance necklace/bracelet”.
What are these things that athletes and even our cherished Texas Rangers are wearing? Two of the Texas Rangers pitchers by the names of CJ Wilson and Neftali Feliz wear the Phiten necklace. This balance necklace is supposed to have micro titanium sphere zones in the center.
In Uganda where there are still primitive tribes wearing nothing but leather flaps over their genitals you will see most of the tribal men and women wearing rubber bracelets manufactured in China. The medicine men in the tribe sell them to their tribe to assist in warding off evil spirits. This would be a spiritual balance bracelet.
The bracelet receives powers from the shaman medicine man in the tribe but the Phiten bracelet somehow offers athletic ability through titanium sphere zones. In the case of the Phiten bracelet there are no prayers or rituals chanted over the bracelet.
You would think when wearing the Phiten necklace or bracelet you would be dealing with a much more scientific technology but instead the titanium sphere zones are just a way to make you a believer. The Uganda tribes believe in their bracelets because of the rituals and chanting supposedly done on the bracelets which is just another excuse to give to people similar to saying they have a titanium sphere zones that have magical powers.
The sphere zones somehow are supposed to increase CJ Wilson’s atheletic ability but this is nothing more than push button marketing where doing nothing gets you your dreams and more.
The truth is CJ Wilson spent years and years practicing pitching to be as good as he is. The necklace gives him no competitive edge other than as a placebo.
A good counter test subject is Cliff Lee who is also a Texas Rangers pitcher. Cliff Lee does not wear one of these necklaces and performed much better over the year than did CJ Wilson.
Also take a look at the extraordinary Texas Rangers pitcher Neftali Feliz. He wears some type of balance necklace as well. I am not sure if it is a Phiten necklace but it just goes to show how much superstition is in sports excellence.
It does not matter how smart or gifted you are there are people who will believe in these balance bracelets and necklaces regardless of how much evidence is out their to show that they are scams.
Voodoo Bracelets in Africa the equivalent to balance bracelets in America
January 3rd, 2011Now take a look at these balance bracelets in America. The bracelets use carefully crafted language to explain that you may see a promotion of enhanced balance, relaxation, and well being.
An interesting aspect to these testimonials is that many of them follow a very similar sales pitch type structure.
The comment starts off by saying they are skeptics themselves and are by nature a skeptical person. They go on to offer an impressive credential or two like that they are a doctor or engineer.
The testimonial is setup with offering the idea that the person is a skeptic to let those reading it put their guard down that maybe this comment is for real.
The person offers a good credential like that they are a doctor, scientist, engineer and then they begin on how they tried the balance bracelet and it fixed their back, or their balance or any number of ailments.
These fake testimonial comments are peppered throughout the Internet on many blogs and sites to give a higher percentage of positive comments than negative.
If it weren’t for these fake comments you would likely see a much higher percentage of negative comments as opposed to positive ones.
On the other end of this you do in fact have several real comments from people who are believers in balance bracelets.
I have a cousin who uses the EFX balance bracelet and he is a smart guy. Both him and his wife swear that it has releaved both back pain and headaches for them.
All I can say is that the bracelets work very well as placebos but do the bracelets actually do something scientific to cause my cousin to stop having a headache beyond placebo? No!
So are balance bracelets scams? The placebo effect works but that being said the bracelets are indeed scams there is simply no other way around it.
Tags: African Tribes, Ailments, Back Pain, Balance Bracelet, Balance bracelet EFX, Bracelets, Cousin, EFX balance bracelet, efx balanec bracelet scams, Evil Spirits, Hea, Headaches, Medicine Men, Negative Comments, Pitch Type, Placebos, Relaxation, Sales Pitch, Skeptic, Skeptics, Smart Guy, Testimonial Comments, Type Structure, Voodoo
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