November 26th, 2009

My mom and dad live very close to Best Buy in Tyler TX so I will definitely be driving by there and will have to make a drive by to see just how many people will be camped outside the store this year. A few years ago my dad bought some emachines and wii’s from Best Buy and made a handsome $800 profit on everything he resold on Ebay. My dad did not get in line right after Thanksgiving dinner but he did get in line around 4 a.m. People are now getting in line at Best Buy as early as right now. You heard me right. There are probably people already in line, sitting on a couch, camping in a tent at Best Buy at 10:20 AM Nov 26 2009. Can you imagine being in line this long to buy a TV or Wii? I couldn’t handle it but the fact of the matter is that is no longer what most of these people do. There are shifts in which a few people will go in together to buy a lot of merchandise. They will stay in line in shifts and trade out every few hours. This way everyone gets their sleep and no one completely wastes their Thanksgiving day.
I asked the Best Buy security guy in the Tyler TX location if there were any rules when getting in line for the day after Thanksgiving day sale. He said the only rule was to, “be nice”. If ever there was a day to be nice I would think Thanksgiving day would be that day. I hope everyone behaves and is kind while nudging themselves in line, it is Thanksgiving don’t you know?
So I will not be at the Day After Thanksgiving sale at Best Buy this year which is my normal tradition but I will be driving by with my camera to take pictures of the phenomenon which is my weird traditional thing to do on Thanksgiving along with eating Turkey and watching football.
I wonder if people will be able to sell Playstations and Wii game consoles on ebay this year at inflated prices. So far it has been done for the last 3 – 5 years so I don’t see why it will not be the same this year. This type of profiteering reminds me of that “The Office” episode when Dwight bus up all the unicorn toys and sells them at 500 % above retail.
I will be posting my picture of the Best Buy line later on tonight after I have settled down from a big Thanksgiving day feast.
Tags: Best Buy, Best Buy Day After Thanksgiving, Best Buy Day After Thanksgiving Day Sale, Best Buy Day After Thanksgiving Day Sale Tyler TX, Day After Thanksgiving, Day After Thanksgiving Day Sale, Day After Thanksgiving Sale, Ebay, Emachines, Fact Of The Matter, Inflated Prices, M People, Mom And Dad, Phenomenon, Security Guy, Tent, Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving Day Sale, Thanksgiving Dinner, Tx Location, Tyler Texas Thanksgiving, Wii, Wii Game Consoles
Posted in Tyler Businesses | No Comments »
September 18th, 2009
For those of you like me you may have been brought up using Ebay to buy your good deals and merchandise on the internet I think you will find Craigslist to be less of a headache. I absolutely loved ebay for years and years until things started to happen that became a real nuisance. After I had enough with Ebay because of several different issues I tried out Amazon and Craigslist. I found that Amazon allows you to buy everything immediately without having to take it to auction. Since many of Ebay’s auctions seem fake because of fraud I moved over to Amazon and started buying several things from the cheapest verified seller offering what I wanted on Amazon. This setup on Amazon worked very well and I could pick between used or new. I immediately decided that in almost every case Amazon was a better choice over Ebay. There are exceptions to the rule and a great example is when I needed to buy an antique triple block pulley. I could only purchase a used item like this at an affordable price on Ebay. Amazon did not offer used or new triple block pulleys. Antiques like the triple block pulley example are why Ebay is still needed. Ebay really needs to create a separate place to go for those who want to completely avoid the whole fake auction experience. It just has become too much to want to deal with.
Craigslist fills the gap between Amazon and Ebay by being a place for those wanting to find good deals on larger items that cannot be easily shipped for an affordable price. For instance, I bought a large wooden filing cabinet that originally retailed for $500 for $100. It was a great buy and all I had to do was drive 5 miles, load it up in my truck and deliver it to my house. It was worth it as I would have to deliver a new item like this anyway if I were to buy something like it at Office Depot. Tyler Texas Craigslist has also allowed me the ability to buy a bicycle, a car, bike rack, and several other items at discounted prices I could not find on Amazon or Ebay. Rather than fight it out over a week in an auction only to see the auction go to retail price for some used junk I can go on Craigslist and buy the same thing at a negotiated price that does not have to go to auction.
Tyler TX Craigslist has had its opposition mainly due to its adult section and I agree that Craigslist should really shutdown that sleaze but the rest of the site is really amazing. You can find jobs, very cheap merchandise, free classifieds for selling your own junk, and some interesting money making opportunities. I will warn that most of the “too good to be true” opps on Tyler TX Craigslist really are too good to be true and you should consider getting a real job or at the very least attempt to go about doing an opportunity without handing your money over to a swindler.
Craigslist Tyler TX is a place where you will find what is known as “I don’t want it anymore” syndrome. I have actually participated in this syndrome when my 1999 Saturn was sitting in my front yard for over a year not running. I took the car to the shop and although they were able to get it back to running with little repair they showed me that it had many issues. The cost to get the car back up to a reliable standard would be more than the car is worth. I decided I didn’t want the car anymore. I found a city employee here in Tyler Texas that would buy the car knowing about all issues wrong with it for $300. Now the car probably had a few years left in it and I think it was worth more but I really wanted the car gone. I could just see the car back in my yard sitting there filling in that white trailer trash stereotype that I seem to immolate every so often. I thought I would do me, my neighbors, and my family a favor and get rid of the car ASAP. Craigslist is full of cars, and merchandise like this where the person just really doesn’t want it and you can usually haggle the price down further once you show up with cash in hand.
It is important when considering using Craigslist that you are not being tricked into coming to some perverts house, or a robber of some kind. If you are a woman I recommend bringing a guy along with you when you pick up your item. As a woman or man if you are paranoid about the other seller you could agree to meet at a local Coffee Shop or something and exchange money and goods there. You really want to be careful especially if you are being offered an iphone for $50 or something as chances are the guy is setting a trap for you to come to a location where he can then steal your cash. As long you follow some common sense when using Tyler TX Craigslist you can get some really good deals. Between Ebay, Amazon and Craigslist I think you will come up with a really good guage on where prices are at for what you want to purchase. There is no place like Tyler TX Craigslist as it is the impulsive buyers paradise for used I dont want it anymore local Tyler Texas merchandise.
Tags: Amazon Tyler Texas, Antiques, Auction Experience, auctions, Bicycle, Car Bike Rack, Craigslist, Ebay, Ebay Amazon, Ebay Tyler Texas, Exceptions, Fraud, Gap, Good Deals, Headache, Nuisance, Office Depot, Pulley, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Craigslist, Tyler TX, Tyler TX Craigslist, Wooden Filing Cabinet
Posted in Tyler Businesses | 2 Comments »