September 16th, 2010

My wife and I decided on midwifery this go around although our first baby was hospital born.
Neither me nor my wife are anti hospital but at the same time we did notice how pushy the hospital was to get my wife on inducing drugs and even the epidural.
My wife didn’t want any of these things going into the pregnancy but while in pain those things seem much more tempting.
The doctors and nurses try very hard to get you to say yes to these inducing procedures but we were able to fend off everything but one drug.
We still came away with a pleasant hospital experience but my wife was now decided that our next baby would be born using a midwife.
We visited with a midwife company in Tyler Texas and spoke with Thalia at Child Birth Services.
Thalia was extremely knowledgeable, kind, and confident. We are happy we found Thalia and have several friends and family that have used her. The midwifery business is booming in Tyler and Thalia only takes on so many clients at a time so we were happy she could fit us in.
Surprisingly the conventional hospital systems attitudes towards midwifes in Tyler is considered hostile. Even though all developed countries in Europe primarily use midwifes it is considered by many in the US to be unsafe and risky to mother and baby.
The facts are much different in that babies actually have a much higher survival rate through midwifery than through the US hospital system. This claim is backed up by the World Health Organization.
You can learn even more about this often debated medical and birthing topic by watching the documentary available on Netflix entitled: “The business of giving birth”
Here is another really good story from someone who has used Childbirth Services
Tags: Attitudes, Babies, Birth Services, Child Birth, Childbirth Services, Countries In Europe, Developed Countries, Doctors And Nurses, Drugs, Friends And Family, Giving Birth, Hospital Experience, midwife, Midwifery, Midwifes, midwifes in tyler texas, Mother And Baby, Pregnancy Pain, Survival Rate, Thalia, Tyler Texas, tyler texas midwifery, World Health Organization
Posted in Midwifery | No Comments »
July 22nd, 2010
For some in Tyler, Texas, the aid of a diet pill can be invaluable for kick starting weight loss. Many diet pills are available as a prescription through your Tyler, Texas health care practitioner. While all drugs come with risks, prescription grade diet pills are regulated by the FDA and the dosages are carefully measured. Additionally, your progress will be closely monitored by your doctor, so any adverse effects can be dealt with in a timely manner.
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When it comes to over the counter diet aids in Tyler, Texas, however, it’s pretty much luck of the draw. These products are not FDA regulated and people can get into a lot of trouble using them. Ingredients in these pills vary both in type and amounts, even from pill to pill in the same bottle. What’s worse is that long term use can result in dependency on the pill to feel “normal” and continue losing weight.
For those that are truly obese or have tried every traditional method of weight loss with little success, diet pills can be just the thing to get them over the hump and on the road to substantial weight loss. Blindly ingesting any drug, however, could prove unhealthy and even fatal. If you have come to the conclusion that you will not be able to lose weight without the aid of a diet pill, talk to your Tyler, Texas doctor to see what he or she recommends. Your doctor has your best intentions at heart, not the weight loss industry.
Consider a group exercise class at a local Tyler Texas gym as an alternative to diet pills: Visit the Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports location: Map Website Blog
Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports
7922 S. Broadway Tyler, TX 75703 (903) 509-4269
Tags: Adverse Effects, Aids, Amp, Best Intentions, Broadway Ste, Cj, Commission Junction, Conclusion, Diet Aids, Diet Pill, Diet Pills, Drugs, Exercise Class, Fda, Group Exercise, Health Care Practitioner, Hump, Losing Weight, Luck Of The Draw, Prescription Diet, Prescription Pills, Substantial Weight Loss, Texas Health Care, Timely Manner, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX, Weight Loss Industry, Xtc
Posted in Medical, Self-improvement, Weight Loss | 1 Comment »
February 12th, 2010
The police have finally released some sketches of what the Tyler church arsonists look like. There used be a satanist church near HWY 110 and McDougle Rd. near the New Harmony Mt Sylvan area. The Dover Baptist church that was burned down a few days ago is just a hop skip and jump away from where this satanist church used to be.

Sketches of arson suspects
I don’t think the satanist church is still there anymore but it is interesting that the arsonist suspect sketches look like young punk kids like I suspected. They could be a part of a satanist church as younger kids are attracted to that type of thing.
With the vampire movies becoming ever more popular these days I wouldn’t even be surprised if these guys bite each others necks on the weekends along with starting church fires. They probably are living out their vampire role in real life as they believe themselves to be and these church burnings are just one aspect of their weird psychotic life. I would assume they do drugs, go to a highschool somewhere in East Texas and have some kind of occult background.
It looks like there are some pictures next to some of the suspects faces that appear to be a tattoos they may have. One tattoo looks like an updown cross with fire. I think the tattoo should really give away who these people are. Somebody that knows these guys is going to talk.
Take a look at these sketch photos, if they look like someone you may know be sure to call the hotline phone number below. The Church Arson Hotline numbers are: 903-939-6169 or 903-939-6172 and don’t forget there is a $25000 reward.
Larger picture links: Arsonist 1, Arsonist 2, Arsonist 3
Tags: Arson Hotline, Arsonist, arsonist sketches, Church Arson, church burnings, Church Fires, Dover, Drugs, East Texas, Faces, Few Days, Hotline Numbers, Hotline Phone Number, Mcdougle, New Harmony, Punk Kids, Satanist Church, Sketch, Sketches, Tattoo, Tattoos
Posted in Churches | No Comments »
January 12th, 2010
Salvation Army is located down on Broadway past the court house on your right. It is a place where if you are without a home or a way to live you can go while you are trying to get your life back on track. There are a variety of things that Salvation Army has to offer. One program is an out patient program and one is inpatient. The outpatient program allows you to get a job and continue counseling and trying to fix your life.
You do have to pay on an outpatient program, which I think is about $50 dollars a week or so. Very cheap for somewhere to live and three meals to eat and they provide the church also. The inpatient program is for cases that are more serious. It is for people who are battling with addictions and are trying to stop. The program provides for you a safe place where you can leave the bad things behind and move forward toward the good in life. In the morning there are classes to attend, then lunch, and finally work duty during the time you are there trying to get your life back on track.
They are also trying to teach you how to better prepare for getting a job and being responsible in life. It is true that some of the people there are court ordered, but some are there because they made a choice to be there. Just like any other place you go, there are rules and regulations you have to follow in order to remain there. It is a drug free environment. So if you are planning on drinking and using drugs…it’s not the place for you to be. Also if you do not cope well with being told what to do and not to do, it’s also not the place for you.
If you can overlook all these things and are in need of getting your life back together because of the choice that you have made then Salvation Army might be able to help you start your life over. It is a Christian Ministry so while you are trying to get your life back physically they also help you get your life back spiritually.
Salvation Army is a non-profit organization that runs by people donating money throughout the year and primarily during Christmas. Salvation Army in Tyler Texas also has a type of a “Good Will” going where you can go purchase clothes, shoes, and things for your home ect. The prices are pretty reasonable and sometimes you can find good deals. If you are not interested in shopping then you can donate the things that you no longer want to the Salvation Army and they will use it to run the Ministry.
Tags: Addictions, Broadway, Christian Ministry, Court House, Drugs, Free Environment, Getting A Job, Inpatient Program, Lunch, Non Profit Organization, Outpatient Program, Patient Program, Safe Place, Salvation Army, Salvation Army Tyler TX, Tyler TX
Posted in Charities | No Comments »