February 19th, 2011
It seems like everybody likes a little scandal and controversy and what with all the tabloids and entertainment/celebrity tv shows like “extra” and “tmz” focused on just that it is made readily handy to us. And when it comes to diets and diet fads there definitely is no lack of scandal and the gossip about it.
The HCG weight loss program has no lack of such things when it comes to how and if it works. But the controversy in the HCG program has taken on a new face and that face belongs to Kevin Trudeau.
If you take a look at Trudeau’s past it seems scandal and controversy follows him where ever he goes nowadays with many lawsuits due to misrepresentation of products on his infomercials. The interesting part is that the controversy that Trudeau has brought to HCG has been more beneficial than not.
Comments about HCG Hormone Diets
The first aspect of the controversy created by Trudeau was how he rocked the boat a little bit with statements from his book “The Weight Loss Cure “They” Don’t Want You To Know About” in which he has made claim that the FDA and drug companies are secretly trying to keep people from knowing about the HCG hormone and it’s help in weight loss in order to benefit themselves.
Be it true or not, Trudeau’s book has brought a bit of a revival to the HCG weight loss solution. Unfortunately, the controversy has not stopped there. It seems some of Trudeau’s skeletons have returned from the closet and, once again, he is being brought before the law for deceiving statements made about the HCG diet plan.
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Tags: Controversy, Diet Fads, Diet Plan, Diets, Fda, Gossip, Hcg Hormone, Hcg Weight Loss, Infomercials, Kevin Trudeau, Lawsuits, Little Bit, Misrepresentation, New Face, Revival, Scandal, Skeletons, Tabloids, Weight Loss Program, Weight Loss Solution
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January 7th, 2011

Devices to Lose Weight
With any amount of looking-into one would have a basic idea of the supplies necessary for performing your HCG hormone weight loss program. But with a little bit more investigation you would see that there is a longer list of needs than first believed.
Will HCG Shots Harm my body?
One suggested item is the HCG test strip. This helps you to test the levels of HCG in your drop bottle or injection mix. Another item is a Body Fat Monitor and Myo Tape. This is a device that analysis’s your body fat as it sends micro electrical currents through your hands.
As the electrical current goes through your body it displays Bioelectrical Impedance Method (Bi) and the Body Mass Index (BMI). Since muscles, blood vessels, and bones contain water the Bi measures where there is any lack of water which signifies what is fat.
The Myo tape is simply a tape measure that allows you to keep track of any loss of inches on your thigh, mid-section, arms, legs, or neck. Then there is the Food Scale which is important as you follow the regimented HCG diet, especially when weighing your 100 grams protein for lunch and dinner.
Other possible items to help with keeping up on your diet is the George Foreman grill, the Bamboo Steamer which comes in handy with all the steaming to do with your proteins and vegetables, and a Microwave Onion Cooker since sautéing the onions with oil would be prohibited.
With all things considered for the cost of doing the HCG weight loss program, seeing these extra little costs makes you want to really reconsider if this plan is worth the cost.
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Tags: Bamboo Steamer, Blood Vessels, Body Fat Monitor, Body Mass Index, Body Mass Index Bmi, Diet Plan, Electrical Current, Electrical Currents, Food Scale, George Foreman, George Foreman Grill, Hcg Hormone, Hcg Test, Hcg Weight Loss, Lack Of Water, Mid Section, Myo Tape, Onions, Tape Measure, Test Strip
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
December 5th, 2010
So, what exactly is involved with the HCG diet weight loss plan, you might ask? With most readings you find about Dr. Simeons diet protocol on the internet or in hard copy, it talks extensively about a disciplined and detailed process that needs to be followed.
As we will see, the majority of this process has to do with the required diet more than anything else. Before going much further let’s review the philosophy behind the procedure. The HCG hormone’s main function in this diet is to “train” the metabolism to isolate calorie and fat burning to the unneeded “abnormal” fat found in our mid-section, hip, and thigh areas.
The HCG hormones supposed other function is to help stabilize the body from any side effects due to the unnaturally low 500-800 calorie diet prescribed in the protocol. Let’s look at the injection aspect first; which can actually be both complicated and/or simple.
Comments from those on the HCG Hormone Diet Plan
The easiest manner is to allow a physician or specialist to administer the injection for you. A secondary simple method is to purchase or order prefilled syringes that are ready to go. The final option for injection is to do all mixing of substance and drawing the injection yourself which can become more complicated and risky.
Now for the diet part of the HCG weight loss protocol. Due to the very low intake of 500 to 800 calories a day, each meal must be planned out ahead taking away all high fats, sugars and pretty much anything else under the sun!
The best recommended method for this is to have a Jillian Michael type like from “The Biggest Loser” breathing down your neck checking your every meal. An example of a day of meals would go like this: a coffee or tea (without sugar and only a spoon of milk) in the morning, a protein entrée with one vegetable and one fruit. Then, repeat for dinner.
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Tags: Biggest Loser, Breathing Down Your Neck, Calorie Diet, Calories, Diet Plan, Diet Weight Loss, Dr Simeons Diet, Fat Burning, Fats, Final Option, Hcg Hormone, Hcg Weight Loss, Hip And Thigh, Hormones, Jillian, Metabolism, Mid Section, Prefilled Syringes, Spoon, Thigh Areas
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
November 11th, 2010

Weight Loss Surgeons Tyler TX
Bariatric surgery seems like a scary prospect even if you are obese. It is true that once you get to a certain point you are told by your doctor you very likely may not live past 35.
A friend of mine who is only 24 was told this based on his weight gain and I really hope he loses weight and hopefully without going through a risky procedure like Tyler TX bariatric surgery.
Some types of bariatric surgeries involve removing a big part of your stomach. There can be some pretty severe complications that result in going through this weight loss surgery and I recommend you try everything you can before you decide to do this procedure.
There are some newer weight loss surgery techniques like lap band surgery that simply puts a band on part of your stomach without actually cutting anything away. This procedure seems a little safer than actually tearing part of your stomach out of your body.
Tyler TX Weight Loss
If I were in this very hard situation of trying to decide on a Tyler TX weight loss surgeon I would probably talk to a weight loss surgery consultant who has been through a procedure or two.
They have likely researched the topic for several days if not months and have some great advice to give you since they have been there and done that.
Tags: Bariatric Surgeon, Bariatric Surgery, Counseling, Diet Plan, Doctors, Healthy Diet, Lap Band Surgery, Lose Weight, Malnutrition, Many People, Metabolism, Overweight, Realistic Expectations, Risky Procedure, Scary Prospect, Stomach, Surgeries, Surgery Consultant, Surgery Techniques, Tyler Texas, Tyler Texas Bariatric Surgery, Tyler TX, Tyler TX Bariatric Surgery, Weight Gain, Weight Loss, Weight Loss Surgery
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August 5th, 2010
Despite following healthy diet plans religiously, exercising till you can’t move, and trying every other method for weight loss out there, you just can’t seem to lose weight. As people gain more and more weight, their metabolism gets slower and slower, making them have to work much harder for the same results as slimmer people. When it gets to the point where nothing you try works, and are clinically obese, it may be time to consult with a Tyler, Texas bariatric surgeon.
Bariatric surgery usually involves removing most of the stomach or bypassing it. There are significant risks involved with this surgery, but many people obtain excellent results. You must be absolutely sure about the procedure, however, because it is one that is for life. Some risks involved include infections from surgery and later malnutrition if the patient is not following the diet plan to the letter.
Talk to a Tyler, Texas bariatric surgeon today if you are 80-100 pounds overweight and nothing you try seems to help. You may be required to go through a period of counseling to be sure you understand what this surgery means to you, as well for the doctors to determine whether or not you have realistic expectations. Bariatric surgery is not for everyone, particularly if you only have a few pounds to lose. Exhaust all other methods for weight loss before pursuing this life changing procedure. Above all, be diligent in your research to fully understand what bariatric surgery will mean for you.
Tags: Bariatric Surgeon, Bariatric Surgery, Bariatrics weight loss surgery Tyler tx, Counseling, Diet Plan, Doctors, Healthy Diet, Lose Weight, Malnutrition, Many People, Metabolism, Overweight, Realistic Expectations, Stomach, Tyler Texas, Weight Gain, Weight Loss
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