June 3rd, 2011
I read a report yesterday or the day before, confirming what most of us living in Texas strongly suspected. Our state is well ahead of the curve in terms of job growth. The cities of Dallas and Ft.Worth rank above the rest of the nation in terms of job growth. Houston is a close second. The jobless rate in the metroplex is down slightly from eight percent to roughly seven and a half, admittedly a small decline, but a good one considering the national average is nine percent. There are a number of ways to crunch the numbers, obviously, but in terms of both population and job growth Texas is definitely better off than most of our sister states; far better off than some. I’m not suggesting that times are exactly good here, just better.
The category of growth I found most interesting, both for me personally and for Tyler, comes in the area of Education and Health Care. These two fields seem to be growing albeit slowly, with an interesting stipulation: it includes private as opposed to public schools. The article I read cites 6.4 percent growth in the Ft. Worth area, and 5.2 in the Dallas area. While these numbers relate specifically to the metroplex, this category is of course the largest field of employment in East Texas. With the public schools in Texas experience big cutbacks, private schools are growing, and hiring new staff. While its admittedly anecdotal evidence, I can attest to this, as I recently accepted a position at a new private school in our area.
I think the relative health of the Texas economy comes as a result of a generally pro-business administration, and a lack of state income tax, which encourages immigration from states like California (and others), that are incredibly overburdened by regulation and taxation. Incidentally, the Bureau of Labor put San Francisco near the bottom of the job growth list with -0.3 percent growth when compared to last year.
Tags: Anecdotal Evidence, Bureau Of Labor, Business Administration, Curve, Dallas Area, Decline, East Texas, Ft Worth Area, Health Care, Jobless Rate, Metroplex, Private School, Private Schools, Pro Business, Relative Health, State Income Tax, Stipulation, Texas Economy, Texas Experience, Texas Job, Tyler Texas
Posted in Tyler Businesses | No Comments »
January 23rd, 2011
When deciding on family vacation destinations indoor water parks are becoming more of an option especially in east Texas.
You no longer have to wait until the summer time to go for family fun at Splash Kingdom Water Park as The Villages indoor water park in the Flint TX area is now open.
One problem with The Villages water park, it’s tiny inside there, super crowded, and very expensive. A positive about The Villages water park is that they are very close to Tyler TX.
Now looking at Great Wolf Lodge water park in the Grapevine TX Dallas area you have a much larger all inclusive kind of thing going.
Great Wolf Lodge is in the Dallas TX area so it is a small drive from Tyler TX. The drive is a definite negative but if your spending a weekend somewhere for vacation is a 1 1/2 hour drive that big of a deal?
Great Wolf also has a really nice connected hotel and restaurant and you don’t have to worry about being hit up with a sales pitch for buying a vacation time share.
Finally with Great Wolf water park you get more elbow room, water rides and a generally more friendly professional atmosphere to experience a great family time.
Tags: Dallas Area, East Texas, Elbow Room, Family Fun, Family Time, Family Vacation Destinations, Flint Tx, Grapevine Tx, great wolf lodge, Indoor Water Park, Indoor Water Parks, Indoor Waterpark, Professional Atmosphere, Sales Pitch, silverleaf resorts, Summer Time, The Villages, Time Share, Tyler TX, tyler tx waterpark, Vacation Time, Water Park, Water Rides
Posted in Fun | 2 Comments »
January 1st, 2011
Many of us have heard it said that it’s good to know you origins. In the case of deciding whether to use HCG hormone injections as a weight loss solution, it would be beneficial as well.
Surprisingly enough the idea of using HCG hormones for weight loss was thought up long before weight loss solutions was so popular. The discovery of this weight loss method began with Dr. Albert T. Simeons as he was doing medical research in India.
While making medical observations in India he began to research more extensively how the HCG hormones work to burn fat in pregnant in women and “viola!” he came to the conclusion that it could do the same in non-pregnant women and men.
After further research and investigation, Dr. Simeons developed a program partnering the injection of the HCG hormone with a 500- 800 calorie diet with the result of 1-3 lbs of weight loss on a daily basis. As a result HCG injections became the Justin Bieber of the weight loss world in the 1970’s.
At one point it was the most used obesity medication used throughout the United States during the ‘70’s. That is, until 1976. In 1976 the FDA declared that they did not recognize Dr. Simeons diet protocol as a viable weight loss method and withdrew any support of it.
And, in fact, the FDA then required that HCG advocates or vendors must put out a statement declaring that it is NOT a proven method or have substantial evidence proving that it works.
Despite this obstacle Dr. Simeons diet protocol has survived the test of time as 4 million of his books have been sold and we can still read hundreds of testimonies as individuals have experienced weight loss using this program.
A testimonial from the local Tyler Texas area received on this offers a positive testimonial to the effect the HCG diet had for this woman,
“Looks like the B-KI offices in Fort Worth/Dallas area are shutting down this week as well! I also paid $1485 in September and was told I was buying a year’s support … and 40 days of hcg. The hormone and diet worked great for me – lost 25 lbs easily and then kept it off during a 4 week maintenance period. I wanted to go back again and do another 20 lbs … but they now are closed! If you read the Simeon’s Protocol book from the 1960′s it explains the science and the health information on this diet plan and what hcg does. Even two local physician’s told me they saw nothing wrong with it or troublesome … and there’s not a lot of negative info that you can find anywhere like other diet plans. I am contacting the Texas Attorney General as well now that I saw your message here!” You can read this testimonial in context by clicking here
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Tags: 3 Lbs, Calorie Diet, Daily Basis, Dallas Area, Dr Albert, Dr Simeons Diet, Further Research, Hcg Hormone, Hormone Injections, Hormones, Justin Bieber, Medical Research, Obesity Medication, Pregnant Women, Substantial Evidence, Test Of Time, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss Solution, Weight Loss Solutions, Women And Men
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
December 2nd, 2010
You know that movie that came out on Halloween day called “Paranormal Activity 2”? You know that part in the trailer where they show a woman being swept off her feet, landing on her face, and then was drag in a freakish way with arms flailing into another room?
HCG Injections and Weight Loss
Well, if you can picture that, then you can get a sense of how some peoples recent experience with certain HCG weight loss clinics have felt like. Whatever your stand might be on whether or not Dr. Simeon’s or Kevin Trudeau’s HCG hormone injected programs work, if the process is not being ran correctly at clinics it doesn’t matter.
It was reported on ripoffreport.com how a certain clinic in the Dallas area had left a woman in what could be described as a “desperate” health condition. As it was told, after paying a large one -time fee and signing a contract the woman was ordered to take a blood test at a different location and then she would be given her HCG and diet protocol.
After beginning the process the woman began experiencing issues due to the low calorie diet including lethargy, fatigue, and what was describe as “…having a heart attack”. Upon contacting the clinic once again she given further instruction on what she was supposed to be doing and informed of a “disk” that would give that further information.
As time went on and other questions came up, the staff of the HCG clinic became less and less helpful until finally the woman was told that they would need to speak to one of several bosses. A look at this reported experience can tell us that as we might be interested in using HCG hormone injections as our preferred source of weight loss, it is a must to find a well ran clinic.
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Tags: Blood Test, Dallas Area, Dr Simeon, Fatigue, Halloween Day, Having A Heart Attack, Hcg Hormone, Hcg Weight Loss, Hcg Weight Loss Clinics, Health Condition, Heart Attack, Hormone Injections, Hormone Shots, Kevin Trudeau, Lethargy, Low Calorie Diet, Paranormal Activity, Preferred Source, Time Fee, Weight Loss Clinics
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
October 28th, 2010
Join our Tyler restaurant coupon list

Tyler Texas keeps getting these new and great restaurants coming to town. When will it ever stop? Not that I care for it to stop but it just seems like restaurant overkill.
Chuy’s Tex-Mex Restaurant is one of those Austin Texas restaurants I remember as a kid that had a type of 1980’s flare about it.
Chuy’s opened in downtown Dallas but it didn’t last and was eventually closed. I think they found some better locations in the Dallas area since over by SMU off of I75
Chuys in my mind is better than On the Border but then again I was a kid when I ate there. I never really thought they would one day be in Tyler.
That old Brass Lion building by Lowes and Spring Creek Barbeque will be torn down and Chuys will be built in it’s place. This will give Chuys a prime location in Tyler.
I thought I would slip in this Tyler restaurant coupon discount email list you can join. We send you good solid valuable Tyler restaurant coupons and offers right to your email. Type in your email and click “Submit” and your done!
Chuys in Dallas is kind of a cool hang out place for university students and people with really colorful Cowboy boots. I am not sure what type of crowd it will attract in Tyler.

Tags: Austin Restaurants, Austin Texas Restaurants, Chuy, Chuys, chuys tyler texas, chuys tyler tx, Coupon Discount, Cowboy Boots, Crowd, Dallas Area, Email, Email Address, Flare, Lion, Lowes, Midst, Prime Location, Restaurant Coupon, Restaurant Coupons, Smu, Spring Creek Barbeque, Sure What Type, Tex Mex Restaurant, tex-mex food tyler texas, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX, University Students
Posted in Mexican, Restaurants | 2 Comments »