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Patent troll reform will effect East Texas

February 1st, 2011

Patent Litigation ReformChange is in the wind and it’s coming via Capitol Hill. The current issue of patent infringement abuse taking place in the court houses of Marshall, Texarkana, and Tyler Texas has Big Brother on its back now.

Facing this issue that is taking place in East Texas might not be on the top of the list of legislation, but it is definitely something that must be taken care of. The main issue is due mostly to the abuse that is taking place.

Although the term “patent troll” has been around for much longer, it has become more of a common phrase in the past 5-6 years. Patent trolls are the culprits responsible for the rise of patent infringement cases due to their excessive use of the court system in order to gain wealth.

Patent trolls are companies who look to push patent infringement to the limit by using any patents that they hold to target any other business that has a product or technology that has any similarity to their patent in order to sue them for damages.

More times than not they actually look to buy patents off of others. The government has taken notice of the abuse and has already submitted one bill to bring reform to patent infringement cases.

The major keys that they have identified is, first, to give the judges more responsibility by reviewing how much damage was done in by the product or technology and the other responsibility is to access how much really due to the company holding the patent.

The second major idea is to limit “forum shopping” that is, to limit cases being held in locations favorable to plaintiffs. So far no bills have been passed yet.

Whatever your perspective is about big government or little government, the abuse of the legal system has gotten them involved and that is just the beginning.

Don’t let your east Texas town partner in crime let Juarez be a warning

January 30th, 2011

Small town acceptance of wrong doingWhile considering the current issue of the number of “patent troll” cases taking place in the East Texas area I remembered a story I heard of a town in the Juarez Valley outside of the Mexican border city of Juarez.

During the past number of years the people of a small town in the Juarez Valley became aware of the drug trafficking taking place in there town due to its proximity to the United States.

But instead of doing something to rid themselves of this illegal practice they created a kind of symbiotic relationship as the drug traffickers brought business to the small town.

As time passed, the highly documented battle for trafficking territory began to take place and reached the small town resulting in atrocious acts of violence and killing.

The small town’s passive acceptance of the traffickers and their business began to have its repercussions as the violence spilled over into their lives and climaxed when, one day, notes were posted throughout the town announcing a date in which every person had to leave town or be killed.

Of course, not at all to this extreme, the concern for East Texas is that there will not be passive acceptance of these “patent trolls” just to capitalize on their business.

The desperateness of these “patent trolls” to have their cases brought to the favorable court circuit in East Texas reached an all-time high when it was reported that one group set up an employee-less front in a local Tyler office in order to file in a court there.

If the people of East Texas continue to allow this ridiculous practice to take place, there could be repercussions later greater than expected. Because when you sell your soul to the devil, you will get burned!