March 2nd, 2012

3316 Troup Highway Tyler, TX 75701
(903) 593-1100
I visit Salsarita’s about every few weeks as one of the mexican restaurants I really enjoy going to. You could most easily compare this restaurant to Chipotle but there are some noticeable differences.
Salsarita’s offers a little more variety when it comes to make your own burritos and taco dinners. The signature chips with queso is one stand out difference.
One could argue that with such a large burrito as what you get at Salsarita’s you may never order the chips and queso because it would be too much food. To that argument I say fooee, we live in the obese country of the USA, people will not only eat a large burrito, queso and chips, but will go get a milk shake for dessert at Smashburger when they are finished.
I have no objection to the soft tacos or burritos at Salsarita’s. Both of these choices are fantastic and the ingredient choices are numerous. Chipotle is their closest competitor and from what I can tell Chipotle has a more quality choice of lettuce, guacamole, and beef that is to my liking.
I still can’t decide for sure if I like Chipotle or Salsarita’s more but one thing is distinct in that Chipotle has very rare bloody steak meat so if that is not too your taste head on over to Salsarita’s.
Tags: Burrito, Burritos, Chipotle, Competitor, Dessert, Guacamole, Ingredient Choices, Lettuce, Liking, Mexican Restaurants, Milk Shake, Noticeable Differences, Objection, Quality Choice, Queso, Salsarita, Smashburger, Soft Tacos, Tex Mex, Troup Highway, Tyler TX
Posted in Mexican | No Comments »
November 12th, 2010

Intellectual Property Insurance
Intellectual property insurance coverage protects companies from copyright, trademark or patent infringement claims arising out of the company’s operation. It pays the defense costs and any judgment up to the policy limits. There are two types of intellectual property insurance coverage available. The first protects you if you are sued for infringement because it funds a legal defense. The second coverage is called a pursuit policy. It helps pay the legal expenses of suing an alleged infringer.
You need intellectual property insurance if the threat exists that you could be sued by a competitor for infringing on an idea or intellectual property belonging to someone else.
As long as you are not aware of any known infringements or violations, you can apply for insurance to protect your trademark or patent. In order to get coverage you will be required to prove that you have completed an intellectual property search, or have filed a registration for a trademark, service mark, copyright or patent.
Internet commerce is based on the ingenuity and development of new processes and applications. Many new companies compete to be the first to develop and sell new products and ideas. A competitor can financially wreck your company if you do not have the funds to hire an attorney and pay the cost of all the legal fees associated with defending your right to a patent or trademark. An intellectual property policy will pay the costs to defend you if someone tries to claim the rights to the same business model, process, or application.
Tags: Business Model, Competitor, Infringements, Ingenuity, Insurance, Insurance Companies, Insurance Coverage, Intellectual Property Insurance, Intellectual Property Policy, Internet Commerce, Judgment, Legal Expenses, New Processes, Patent Infringement, Property Search, Pursuit Policy, Texas Insurance, Trademark Service, Tyler Texas
Posted in Attorneys, Insurance Companies | No Comments »
September 28th, 2010
Intellectual property insurance is unique, and you probably haven’t heard about it if you haven’t had to use it. The purpose of intellectual property insurance is to protect companies from copyright, patent, or trademark infringement claims that are made against them. Just like your car insurance would, intellectual property insurance pays the costs for the defense should a suit arise as well the judgement, up to the policy limits of course.
With a business in East Texas, it is important to know at least the basics on intellectual property insurance. To start, there are two main types of intellectual property insurance. One type protects you if you have to go after someone for infringing on your copyright. This type pays the costs of filing suit against the individual or company violating the copyright. The second type protects you from being sued by another company or individual for infringing on their copyright. In this case, the insurance company pays for your defense and court costs.
If there is any possibility that you or your company could be sued by a competitor for infringing on their idea or that a competitor could infringe on your idea, it is absolutely necessary to have intellectual property insurance. Unless you have a large amount of extra money laying around, a copyright infringement lawsuit could bankrupt your company in a hurry.
Obtaining intellectual property insurance in East Texas requires that you show proof of registration for your copyright, trademark, or patent.
Tags: Car Insurance, Competitor, Copyright Infringement Lawsuit, East Texas, Extra Money, Hurry, Insurance, Insurance Company, Insurance Texas, Intellectual Property Insurance, Judgement, Patent, Proof, Texas Insurance, Texas Intellectual Property, Trademark Infringement Claims
Posted in Insurance Companies | No Comments »
November 30th, 2009

I have been a fan of Andy’s frozen custard for some time now. Ever since Andy’s came into town I have been going there and was most impressed with their fresh fruits they have available for blending into their custard. I enjoy blending in blueberries, blackberries, and sometimes a candybar mix or just a chocolate malt. I do however have a problem with their strawberries. Andy’s still uses the sweet syrup strawberries out of a box. I like those in small doses usually on a strawberry shortcake but it is a little overpowering in their icecream. I end up having to scoop a lot of them out like I do when I get them on my pancakes at IHOP. I really do not have anything else to complain about in regards to Andy’s frozen custard. Their icecream product is superb and their ingredients are great as well.

Marble Slab Creamery is another favorite of mine but it took a little longer to catch on with me. I think the reason I wasn’t immediately driven to go in and try Marble Slab’s icecream simply had to do with the convenient drive through of Andy’s. Also the idea of a Marble Slab seemed like a gimmick and I didn’t want to fall for it. I eventually went with my wife and what I discovered was that the Marble Slab flavor “sweet cream” is far superior to Andy’s Frozen Custard even though I love Andy’s also. Another interesting thing about Marble Slab is that they have a competitor called Cold Stone that isn’t in the Tyler area and I am glad. Cold Stone’s quality of product is far less than what you will get at Marble Slab and they are more expensive.

When choosing the sweet cream I will almost always get sweet cream and have strawberries and marshmellows mixed in. The strawberries at Marble Slab are fresh unfrozen strawberries and not the mushed frozen syrupy kind in a box you will get from Andy’s. I think you will discover that my combination of marshmellows and strawberries in the sweet cream flavor is about as good as you will be able to come up with on your own. I have tried experimenting with different ingredients and flavors but I haven’t found anything that beats this flavor combination.
As you can see I like my icecream and although Andy’s is very good I think Marble Slab is the best. Marble Slab is located next to Jason’s Deli across from Barnes and Nobles on broadway. When ordering an icecream be sure to ask for a card and they will stamp it for you. Once your card is filled up with stamps you will get a free icecream.
For more interesting Tyler business news articles written by locals like you just visit Tyler TX Directory blog section at
Tags: andys frozen custard, Blackberries, Blueberries, Candybar, Chocolate Malt, Cold Stone, coldstone, Competitor, Fresh Fruits, Frozen Custard, Gimmick, Icecream, Ihop, marble slab creamery, marble slab Tyler TX, Marshmellows, Pancakes, Strawberries, Strawberry Shortcake, Sweet Cream, Sweet Syrup, Tyler Area
Posted in Icecream | No Comments »
November 11th, 2009
As a traditional male, I hate shopping. While they do have the advantage of offering a huge variety, department stores can be a source of frustration. Service is often bad, the stores become disorganized quickly, and I often find it necessary to sift through a lot of low quality merchandise before finding what I want. Of all the major department store chains however, I do have my favorite.
Target is not only a great department store, but as huge corporations go, it’s a good Tyler neighbor. Between the distribution center, located just south of Lindale, and the area stores, the company employs thousands of East Texans. It is also very involved in community affairs and local charities. The store itself is always neat and clean which for me can make or break the department store experience. I find there is almost nothing worse than wandering the aisles of a dirty disorganized store looking for the one thing I came to buy. Target usually does a great job keeping the store attractive and easy to navigate.
Another of the store’s strengths is its staff. The employees of Target’s biggest competitor in Tyler are often disheveled and unhelpful. Those of Target are always attractive, neat and knowledgeable.
I will concede that the store’s prices can be slightly higher, but I remind the reader that you tend to get what you pay for. And with the Christmas season just around the corner, I trust there will be a lot of sales to bring in even the thriftiest customers. The quality of products like clothing is definitely higher than the competition’s, and I should mention the selection is better, particularly for business casual attire.
So if you’re looking for a better shopping experience and better quality goods overall, I suggest giving Target a try. While it’s admittedly not a local business a good portion of the dollars spent there do stay home in Tyler Texas. Target is located at 7003 on South Broadway, next to Wal-Mart. For more on Tyler area department stores, see the Tyler blog section of this site and look for the title “Wal-Marts in Tyler.”
Tags: Aisles, Business Casual Attire, Christmas Season, Community Affairs, Competitor, Department Store Chains, Department Stores, Department stores Tyler TX, Distribution Center, East Texans, Low Quality, Quality Goods, Quality Merchandise, Shopping Experience, Source Of Frustration, South Broadway, Store Experience, target, Target in Tyler Texas, Target Tyler Texas, Tyler Area, Tyler Shopping Center, Tyler Texas, wal-mart
Posted in Shopping Centers | No Comments »