This was just released today by Breitbart news website that shows Barack Obama our president was born in Kenya. Acton & Dystel was President Obama’s literary agent and produced this promotional pamphlet on him.
It is assumed him and several others would have to approve of the accuracy of the pamphlet before producing it.
It could be that Barack was lying then instead of now. Either way he has obviously been tweaking his background when it suits his ambitions.
Right now I feel like we have a total fraud and clown in the Whitehouse.

1991 by Barack Obama’s then-literary agency, Acton & Dystel Shows Obama Born in Kenya
May 17th, 2012This was just released today by Breitbart news website that shows Barack Obama our president was born in Kenya. Acton & Dystel was President Obama’s literary agent and produced this promotional pamphlet on him.
It is assumed him and several others would have to approve of the accuracy of the pamphlet before producing it.
It could be that Barack was lying then instead of now. Either way he has obviously been tweaking his background when it suits his ambitions.
Right now I feel like we have a total fraud and clown in the Whitehouse.
Tags: Accuracy, Acton, Ambitions, Amp, Barack Obama, Clown, Fraud, Kenya, Literary Agency, Literary Agent, Pamphlet, Today News, Tweaking, Whitehouse
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