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Consumer Prices and Patent Trolls in East Texas

December 25th, 2010
East Texas patent lawyersWe all know about the possibility of finding coal in our stockings due to being on the “bad list” and we have all heard of the Grinch and his devious plan to rob Christmas and even a few of us have had an Ebenezer Scrooge as a boss but this year’s Christmas culprit could come in the form of a “troll”.

Even though there was a slight increase in people spending during this past Black Friday holiday (doesn’t it seem like its receiving more and more attention every year?) the increase was minute and does not make up for the lack of spending that has taken place the past few years.

This lack of spending is due to our struggling economy, but piggy-backing on the economies broken back are unnecessary hikes in product prices forced upon businesses by “patent trolls”.

Patent trolls are, simply, companies who look to buy patents off from bankrupt or struggling businesses or firms for the sole purpose of targeting bigger and more successful businesses that have a product or service that has infringed upon their patent in order to bring a lawsuit against them.

Many times the businesses with the infringement will settle for hundreds of thousands of dollars in order to avoid a lengthy and costly court process. Now, what does this have to do with our Christmas shopping?

Well, once these businesses have paid off their patent litigation, they will have to increase the cost of their product and service so that us the consumers can make up for the loss. This is similar to what is taking place in the medical field, hospitals and doctors are required to charge much higher based upon any litigation or future litigation that is brought against them.

So when it comes this Christmas season make sure to give a big “Merry Christmas” to your local patent troll!

Taking in the Lights in Tyler Texas

December 12th, 2010

I have always enjoyed the sport of people watching, whether in Jackson square or Trafalgar. Well now that preparations for Christmas are well under way I’ve discovered another hobby closely akin it. I call it house watching. Now before you draw comparisons between my new pastime and stocking, allow me to explain. A few nights ago I took my son and my nephew out for what turned out to be quite a long walk to look at Christmas lights. Like going to an off Broadway play, we strolled the nicer neighborhoods between Holly Tree and the mall, barely on the west side of sixty- nine.

Not all of the homes were decorated of course, but a number had some really nice displays that quite captivated the boys. I was slightly surprised to find some really beautiful homes in the area that actually, in my opinion, rivaled those in even more upscale neighborhoods like Holly Tree and the Cascades. While I admit it is a little shameless, I found myself catching glimpses in the windows of Trees, decorations and even the homes themselves. I suppose it’s natural to wonder and speculate about the folks who live there. I felt a bit like a Hugo or Dickens character, wandering through the wealthier districts of town at night, in the cold December air wondering about other men’s families and how they celebrate the holidays. It was enough to send me reaching for a copy of A Christmas Carol upon my arrival home.

At any rate Tyler is a fine city in which to spend the Christmas holidays. It’s cold, but tolerably so. A wool coat and a scarf, (if you’re into that sort of thing), is usually sufficient and you can still experience the traditional Christmas nostalgia as you take the kids “house watching” though the decorated neighborhoods with cups of coffee or hot chocolate.

So what’s my point? Simply this: Enjoying the Christmas Season in Tyler doesn’t have to mean spending a lot of money in these tough financial times. Maybe it just means taking a cool walk down a brightly lit street and finding that you’re pretty thankful for the blessings that are already in your life. Merry Christmas Tyler! Enjoy the Holidays, and don’t forget to take in the lights!

Christmas Tree Farms in Tyler Texas

December 3rd, 2009

Plantation Pines Christmas Tree Farm
10098 CR 429
Tyler, TX 75704
(903) 595-2046

There are a few Christmas tree farms in Tyler TX to choose from and even some tents set up at different locations in Tyler with Oregon furs but there is nothing better than going to the Wiggins Christmas tree farm near Lindale and New Harmony. The Wiggins Christmas tree farm is called Plantation Pines Christmas tree farmChristmas Tree Farm in Tyler They have a very good gift shop full of interesting gifts for the Christmas holidays and they have a wide variety of Christmas trees to choose from. You can go on a hay ride, cut your own tree down, have them cut it down, or get a precut fur tree. You can get a flocked tree or your standard Christmas tree without the fake snow. Whatever you are wanting you will find it at Plantation Pines.

The Plantation Pines Christmas tree farm is owned by the president of the Christmas tree association of Texas. Our family knows the wiggins family and have nothing but good things to say about them. This year they donated Christmas trees to the Texas capital building for the Christmas season.

They usually have hot cocoa and hot cider available near the gift shop. They sell the stands to hold up your tree and we still have ours from last year. Instead of going to those tents on the side of the road why not go to Plantation Pines and find a tree still in the ground? Your family will have a fun time and you will do something a little different instead of just the same old thing every year.

Plantation Pines Christmas Tree Farm
10098 CR 429
Tyler, TX 75704
(903) 595-2046

On Target in Tyler

November 11th, 2009

As a traditional male, I hate shopping. While they do have the advantage of offering a huge variety, department stores can be a source of frustration. Service is often bad, the stores become disorganized quickly, and I often find it necessary to sift through a lot of low quality merchandise before finding what I want. Of all the major department store chains however, I do have my favorite.

Target is not only a great department store, but as huge corporations go, it’s a good Tyler neighbor. Between the distribution center, located just south of Lindale, and the area stores, the company employs thousands of East Texans. It is also very involved in community affairs and local charities. The store itself is always neat and clean which for me can make or break the department store experience. I find there is almost nothing worse than wandering the aisles of a dirty disorganized store looking for the one thing I came to buy. Target usually does a great job keeping the store attractive and easy to navigate.

Another of the store’s strengths is its staff. The employees of Target’s biggest competitor in Tyler are often disheveled and unhelpful. Those of Target are always attractive, neat and knowledgeable.

I will concede that the store’s prices can be slightly higher, but I remind the reader that you tend to get what you pay for. And with the Christmas season just around the corner, I trust there will be a lot of sales to bring in even the thriftiest customers. The quality of products like clothing is definitely higher than the competition’s, and I should mention the selection is better, particularly for business casual attire.

So if you’re looking for a better shopping experience and better quality goods overall, I suggest giving Target a try. While it’s admittedly not a local business a good portion of the dollars spent there do stay home in Tyler Texas. Target is located at 7003 on South Broadway, next to Wal-Mart. For more on Tyler area department stores, see the Tyler blog section of this site and look for the title “Wal-Marts in Tyler.”