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Summer Activities in Tyler Texas

May 17th, 2010

Well another school year has come and gone! It’s a time of year anticipated by students and teachers alike, (although most students don’t realize that we teachers look forward to it as much as they do)! Maybe it’s better to keep them in the dark on that account. The arrival of summer can be a mixed blessing for many parents however. While most of them look forward to spending more time with the kids, keeping them busy during the summer months can be a source of concern. With this in mind I thought I’d offer a few random suggestions for vacation activities to look into this season.

Dave Fowler is a personal trainer and fitness guru extraordinaire. As the summer heats up and East Texans take to the water, Dave offers swimming instructions to anyone interested in becoming a stronger swimmer. His usual “classroom” is the pool at Tyler Tennis and Swim from the hours of eight am to noon, but he gladly works with clients based their own availability. He has even held adult classes as late as nine o’clock at night. Dave has also been known to make house calls for those who prefer the comfort and privacy of their own pools. For those looking for a cool activity or just another outlet for exercise Coach Fowler offers a terrific opportunity. Dave can be reached by calling (903)520-9646.

Many area churches offer summer activities for Tyler youngsters including Vacation Bible School programs. Christ Church in Tyler is offer a program entitled “The High Seas Expedition.” The theme is “Explore the Mighty love of God!” The children hear Bible stories, participate in small group learning, paint, and do various crafts which teach Biblical lessons. The VBS runs from July fifth, through the ninth. For more information contact Christ Episcopal Church at (903)597-9854, or see their website at www.christchurchtyler.org/SerengetiTrek.htm.

For parents with school age children and busy summer schedules, Tyler Christian Preschool offers a summer daycare term. The children spend their summer days on field trips, doing arts and crafts, and learning about faith and family. This school is a wonderful, environment with caring teachers where school age students will learn and grow throughout the summer months. The children will have a tremendous time there! I can speak from personal experience as my son loves this school! For more information see their website at www.tylercp.com. Readers can also look for the title “Tyler Christian Preschool,” elsewhere on this site.

For those parents interested in more of a family “Stay-cation” experience, there is always the more traditional route. As a sports fan, taking my little guy to his first Texas Rangers game, ranked up there with his first communion. Although the drive to Arlington seemed longer than I remembered the experience was well worth the effort. Making the journey to Six Flags Hurricane Harbor is also an exciting way to stay cool, but if parents are in the market for something closer to home, consider Splash Kingdom in Canton. The lower prices and closer proximity to Tyler may be a worthy trade off for a smaller park. (For more info on Splash Kingdom, see the recent article on this site entitled “Splash Kingdom Water Park gets you fun in the sun.”) Also visit their website at www.splashkingdomwaterpark.com.

There are certainly many more options for summer activities, but these are a few of my favs. Check back with tylertxdirectory.com for more options as they unfold this season.

Christ Episcopal Church

August 31st, 2009

I have been told that there are over seven hundred churches in Tyler. In fact some have accused us of being a sort of religious Baskin Robin’s, offering thirty one flavors. Well there are a few area parishes / congregations who have been active since our fair city was in its infancy. Christ Episcopal Church is one of those. Founded in 1867 the church has undergone a short move and numerous progressive expansions. It is currently completing Grelling – Spence building, which will add much needed space for the various ministries of the church.

 Christ Church describes itself as a “joyful, spirit-filled community” of Christians who desire to reach out the Tyler area and the world, teaching others to develop their own genuine relationships with Jesus Christ.

   Christ Church is a member of the world wide Anglican Communion, which traces its lineage from the Church of England. It is a liturgical church whose theology is based in the Scriptures, the Book of Common Prayer, and the ancient Christian Creeds. The Church practices the Eucharist (or the Lord’s Supper), on a weekly basis, and adheres to the traditional church calendar.

 There are any number of ministry opportunities offered at Christ Church. There are weekly Sunday school classes both for adults as well as kids. There is a children’s choir and choir school, which teaches the participants the traditional songs of the Anglican faith and Christianity in general. The church also participates in numerous community outreach projects such as partnering with Habitat for Humanity and Loaves and fishes, (an outreach to Tyler’s poor and homeless). Each year the church sponsors ministry field trips to places like Galveston, San Francisco, Guatemala and many other places.

 Programs like Education for Ministry provide parishioners with a deeper understanding of the Christian faith, so they can be prepared to share their faith either within the context of the church or in the community at large. While Christ Church is a good sized church, its no “mega church” There is no basketball court bowling ally, or swimming pool. What they do have are wonderful Christian believers reaching out to Tyler and the world with the love of Christ. For worship times, and ministry opportunities call the church office at 903-597-9854, or see the website at www.christchurchtyler.org. Christ Church is located at 118 South Bois d’Arc, in Tyler.