July 29th, 2010
Nearly every fad diet out there will tell you to deprive your body of calories and exercise yourself to death in order to lose weight. Well, not only is this a sure recipe for failure, it is also dangerous for your health. Any weight you do lose will come back once you go off the diet, and you may even gain a few extra pounds because you have slowed your metabolism down so much. When you eat smart choices often, however, it sends a message to your body that it is getting all the energy it needs so there is no reason to keep storing fat.
The best idea is to eat smaller meals or snacks every 2-3 hours up to 6 times a day. Some people find this more difficult than it sounds because of busy Tyler, Texas schedules. Many people feel that they are stuffing themselves constantly and have difficulty eating as often as prescribed because they just don’t feel hungry. The idea, however, is to eat small portions, not 4 course dinners. Reach for a handful of grapes one time, a cup of low-fat yogurt the next, and maybe a small grilled chicken salad or sandwich on wheat bread for a more substantial meal.
Eating this way rather than the traditional “3 squares a day” will help to put your body’s metabolism into high gear and you will see pounds start to come off even with no additional effort.
Tags: Busy People, Calories, Course Dinners, Fad Diet, Failure, Grilled Chicken Salad, Handful Of Grapes, Health Weight, Lose Weight, Losing weight in Tyler Texas, Low Fat, Many People, Metabolism, Sandwich, Smart Choices, Snacks, Squares, Substantial Meal, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss, weight loss in Tyler TX, Wheat Bread
Posted in Self-improvement, Weight Loss | No Comments »
July 27th, 2010
Diet is important if you want to lose weight. You cannot realistically expect to eat fast food every day for lunch and notice anything but an increase in your size. The food choices you make have an impact on not only your size, but also your overall health. Learning how to adopt a healthy diet, however, can be difficult with all of the crash and fad diets lurking around Tyler, Texas.
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Diet does not refer to a temporary change in eating habits for the purpose of weight loss, but rather to a lifestyle habit. The nutrition plan you adopt should be one that provides adequate nutrients to the body and is sustainable even after your weight loss goals have been met. Speak to your Tyler, Texas doctor or dietary specialist for expert help on finding the right balance of fats, carbs, proteins, and calories.
Plenty of information is also available on the internet, but you must be careful of sites promising unrealistic results. Doctors recommend a rate of weight loss of no more than 2 pounds a week for health. It is easy to lose water weight for a week or two, making a diet initially seem like it is working, but once the water weight is off the body enters starvation mode and holds on to fat even more.
Of course, a healthy diet will aid in weight loss, but to achieve tone you must also exercise. Start out by simply walking every day and build up from there.
The number one long term healthy way to lose weight is to get on an established exercise workout routine. A group exercise class is one of the best methods of creating a routine: Visit the Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports location: Map Website Blog
Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports
7922 S. Broadway Tyler, TX 75703 (903) 509-4269
Tags: Adequate Nutrients, Broadway Ste, Calories, Crash, Diet Weight Loss Tyler, Doctors, Eating Habits, Exercise Class, Exercise Workout, Fad Diets, Fast Food, Fats, Food Choices, Group Exercise, Habit, Health, Healthy Diet, Healthy Way To Lose Weight, Lifestyle, Lunch, Nutrition Plan, Proteins, Routine Visit, Starvation Mode, Temporary Solution, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX, Water Weight, Weight Loss Diet, Weight Loss Goals, Workout Routine, Xtc
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
July 20th, 2010
Many people, especially women, tend to avoid resistance training for the fear of bulking up too much. Resistance training, however, turns your body into a fat burning machine, particularly when combined with cardio exercises. The repair phase on days in between resistance workouts when your muscles heal themselves is really what gives the results, not how much resistance you use necessarily. It is important in resistance training to put quality over quantity, controlling each and every movement and performing the moves correctly.
Personal trainers in Tyler, Texas would be an excellent source for learning how to incorporate resistance training into your weekly weight loss regimen. Instructional videos are also good tools, just be sure to watch the entire workout and learn what to do before you attempt any of the exercises. Because building muscle boosts your metabolism, the more muscle mass you add the better the fat burning power your body has. Every pound of muscle mass will burn 50 calories a day just by being there!
If bulk is a concern, use lower weight resistance tools such as free weights or resistance bands, but be sure to use enough to challenge yourself. You should reach failure before you reach the maximum rep count; otherwise your weights are too light. Because muscle weighs more than fat, you may not see immediate results on the scale, but it won’t take long before you start seeing a difference in the tape measure and the way your clothes fit, and that’s what matters.
Tags: Building Muscle, Calories, Cardio Exercises, Clothes, Failure, Free Weights, Good Tools, Metabolism, Muscle Mass, Muscles, Personal Trainers, Resistance Bands, Resistance Tools, Resistance Training, Tape Measure, Tyler Texas, Weight Loss Regimen, Weight Resistance, Workout, Workouts
Posted in Fitness Centers, Self-improvement, Tyler Businesses | No Comments »
January 17th, 2010
Tyler Supermercados Monterrey is a grocery store that specializes in Mexican products with all their labels written in Spanish. They are located right off Rt 31 and Loop 323 by Taco Bell, Blockbuster, Rainbow and other stores surrounding it. Even though I am not Spanish speaking I like going there because sometimes the prices are lower than other grocery stores. Their selection of meat and seafood is better and less expensive than what I have seen in some of the other grocery store. Because it is a Hispanic grocery store all things are written in Spanish…so you might have to be able to get along in there when you go in…or find someone who speaks English that can translate. My favorite thing to buy is their Mexican breads that are sweet. They have all kinds of selections and usually you can get three for a dollar. If you don’t mind the extra calories, than I would say go try a few.
Inside the grocery store they have a little restaurant, where they make all kinds of tacos. Whenever we go there, for less than $20 you can buy a little something for about three people, if you don’t splurge and get just one taco per person. They also have the best juices there. All kinds of good flavors, my favorite one is pineapple juice.
There is a place inside the store that you can purchase cell phones and phone accessories.
I particularly enjoy shopping when there are lots of stores in a location. I hope I have convinced you to try shopping at Supermercado Monterrey. You can save a lot on your grocery bill and enjoy the experience at the same time.
Tags: Best Juices, blockbuster, Calories, Favorite One, Favorite Thing, Flavors, Grocery Bill, Grocery Store, Grocery Stores, Mexican Breads, mexican grocery stores, Mexican Grocery Stores in Tyler Texas, Monterrey, Phone Accessories, Pineapple Juice, Rainbow, Rt, Splurge, Supermercado, Supermercados, Taco Bell, Tacos, Tyler TX Mexican Grocery
Posted in Grocery Stores | 1 Comment »
January 14th, 2010
Andy’s Frozen Custard

Andy's Frozen Custard
6106 S. Broadway
Opening times:
11am-11pm Sun-Thurs
11am-11.30pm Fri and Sat
Frozen CUSTARD? It had to be worth a try!
I stopped at Andy’s in Tyler with my kids and we each tried a ‘concrete’ which is basically your choice of topping blended into the frozen custard. The result – a taste sensation! Yes it was a bit like ice-cream but much smoother and creamier. I could taste the fresh ingredients and not artificial flavorings. Delicious!
We each chose something very different – my son had pineapple and raspberries blended into his custom concrete and I had Butter Pecan. My daughter is the chocolate addict of the family and had a chocolate cone which was huge for a child.
As we guzzled this piece of edible heaven I started thinking. ‘Frozen custard. Sounds good for you, well… maybe?’ I asked the server whether this had less calories than ice-cream – thinking this could be too good to be true. He exchanged looks with his fellow server and shook his head sadly. It was too good to be true… But for an occasional treat, this is definitely a must.
Not only do they serve concretes, cones and sundaes with all sorts of toppings but they can also make milkshakes and ‘malts’ to your order too. They have both fresh fruit mix-ins and chocolate bar pieces too plus irresistible hot fudge. You can have as many toppings as you want to pay for!
One piece of advice though, pick up a take-out menu in advance, as the list of toppings and mix-ins is so extensive that your companions might get fed up waiting for you to make up your mind what you want (or is that just my family?!)
If you want to make a visit to Andy’s a seasonal experience there are also specials to tempt you throughout the year like strawberry shortcake, pumpkin pie and candy cane flavors.
One note of warning. We went to Andy’s in the heat of summer. I was surprised at how generous the server was with the napkins …until I saw the brown mess all over my daughter’s face. Custard melts much quicker than ice-cream. Solution – eat it fast, you know you want to anyway!
Andy’s has basic outside seating and a drive-thru and you can buy it in quarts to take home too. And we’re lucky to have it here in Tyler – it’s the only franchise in Texas.
Tags: 1941, andys frozen custard, Andys Icecream Tyler TX, Artificial Flavorings, Butter Pecan, Calories, Candy Cane, Chocolate Addict, Chocolate Bar, Companions, Cones, Custom Concrete, Fresh Fruit, Fri, Fruit Mix, Ins, Piece Of Advice, Pineapple, Pumpkin Pie, Strawberry Shortcake, Sundaes, Taste Sensation, Tyler TX Icecream
Posted in Icecream | No Comments »