So just last month the Power Balance bracelet company was sued in one of those class action lawsuits in CA courts.
Don’t you think it is only a matter of time before Irenew bracelet, wristband, necklace, hologram, and dog pendant company is also sued?
I was dumb enough to buy not only the bracelet but all that other stuff and the dog pendant.
So these things are marketed as if they can balance your body and other stuff. IRenew seems to like to use the word “promotes” the balance of your body.
Is “promote” another word for placebo effect?
Irenew has covered themselves well even further by saying, “it may promote” the balance of your body.
By saying “it may” do something gives them a whole lot of legal wiggle room.
If you havn’t seen the myth buster type videos on Youtube that explain how these wristband demonstrations really work then you ought to.
The balance demonstrations are stupid carnival tricks and have nothing to do with powers coming from the IRenew bracelet other than imaginery powers.
Download pdf of class action lawsuit against Power Balance The Power Balance® products class action lawsuit is related to how the company marketed their wristbands, bracelets, pendants, and the other mylar hologram products they sold by purposefully misleading the public and falsely advertising and marketing regarding close proximity body placement equals body enhancement benefits.
Some of the Power Balance bracelet claims have been when worn close to the body the user may experience physiological benefits including but not limited to increased strength, balance, flexibility, and other claims made by those selling these retail.
I have heard claims of better grades in school by wearing these ridiculous things. The reality outside of the realm of magic and fairy dust is that the bracelet offers 100 % no physiological benefits whatsoever. GOT IT! GOOD!
Batungbacal vs. Power Balance LLC et al., Case No. SACV-11-18 CJC
Unites States District Court – Central District of California, Southern Division.
Judge Cormac J. Carney
The Power Balance class action lawsuit is being brought by two premier Southern California Plaintiff Law Firms:
Panish Shea & Boyle LLP
The X-Law Group PC
Power Balance has distributed in commerce, among other things, the Power Balance Bracelets, Power Balance Wristbands, Power Balance Pendants, Power Balance necklaces and other Power Balance Jewelry. (“Power Balance Accessories”). The Power Balance Accessories are sold with one unifying notice, that they contain one or more “Mylar Holograms” which are worn sitting close to the body. Since beginning to sell and distribute the Power Balance Accessories, Power Balance made the same, consistent and repeated representations on their websites, on packaging, in store displays, at live exhibitions, through paid testimonials, through press releases and in other forms of marketing and advertising, representing that the “Mylar Holograms” contained in every Power Balance Accessory maintained properties they didn’t as well as gave users and/or consumers that wore a Power Balance Accessory physiological benefits they couldn’t.
The plaintiff in this case is Andre Batungbacal and is individually and on behalf of others complaining and alleging several things in the class action. The defendants are Power Balance LLC, Josh Rodarmel, Troy Rodarmel, and Keith Kato. They are accused of deceptive and misleading conduct in marketing advertising, selling, promoting and distributing products by them manufctured, sold and/or distributed.
In the lawsuit they are collectively referred to as Power Balance Accessories. The defendants began selling these bracelets in 2007. Each bracelet or product is sold with one unifying notice and that is that they contain one or more “Mylar Holograms” which should be worn sitting close to the body.
Some of the supposed benefits claimed but yet could not be delivered by the Power Balance bracelet are:
“Power Balance holograms are embedded with frequencies that react positively with your body’s natural energy field to improve balance, strength and flexibility;
“Power Balance holograms are designed to work with your body’s natural energy field;
Power Balance is Performance Technology;
Power Balance products boost the body’s self defense mechanisms creating the immediate benefits of strength, balance and flexibility gain;
When the hologram comes into contact with your body it gives you that added balance, stregth, flexibility;
Use of the Power Balance results in lots of endurance and stamina”
By the use of these claims the defendants were able to sell over 3 million units in less than 3 years. Since Australia was able to get Power Balance to admit to fraud this became an easy lawsuit to bring up in US courts because the CEO set a precedent by admitting to fraud in Australia.
The ads in the US were identical to the ones in Australia so Power Balance has no chance in hell of winning this case.
Power Balance is about to go down and I suspect that C Prime, EFX, Chi Aura, QRay, IRenew and a dozen other balance bracelet brands are going to be hit with similar lawsuits.
For those who read this blog you may have noticed we have written about the Power Balance bracelet as well as the EFX and many other bracelets that supposedly balance your body or do some other health benefit.
Many celebrities and athletes use these bracelets and wear them out in public. People like P. Diddy, Robert De Niro, David Beckham and others have been caught on camera wearing these superstitious things.
Well the Australian government has asked for Power Balance to officially apologize for making false claims to the citizens of Australia and offer a refund.
Yesterday a class action lawsuit was issued in California against Power Balance bracelets as well. This is a typical Kevin Trudeau type of thing where a company starts selling something and saying all kinds of claims knowing they will get hit with class action lawsuits, attorney general investigations and so forth only to do it all over again.
I am sure Power Balance knew they would have to pay for scamming eventually but several people probably raked in money handsomely in the process.
Power Balance bracelets is now on record in the country of Australia for admitting that their bracelet really is the scam I have been saying it is for several months now.
Unfortunately even when a company comes out and declares that they are a scam it will not detract hard core believers. The reason people will continue to believe in these things is the same reason people will always believe in horoscopes, crystals, and Indian dream catchers.
These bracelets and necklaces circling the globe are nothing new but are being repackaged and marketed in such a way that I cannot walk down the street anymore without hearing someone say “power balance” “Phiten” or “balance necklace/bracelet”.
What are these things that athletes and even our cherished Texas Rangers are wearing? Two of the Texas Rangers pitchers by the names of CJ Wilson and Neftali Feliz wear the Phiten necklace. This balance necklace is supposed to have micro titanium sphere zones in the center.
In Uganda where there are still primitive tribes wearing nothing but leather flaps over their genitals you will see most of the tribal men and women wearing rubber bracelets manufactured in China. The medicine men in the tribe sell them to their tribe to assist in warding off evil spirits. This would be a spiritual balance bracelet.
The bracelet receives powers from the shaman medicine man in the tribe but the Phiten bracelet somehow offers athletic ability through titanium sphere zones. In the case of the Phiten bracelet there are no prayers or rituals chanted over the bracelet.
You would think when wearing the Phiten necklace or bracelet you would be dealing with a much more scientific technology but instead the titanium sphere zones are just a way to make you a believer. The Uganda tribes believe in their bracelets because of the rituals and chanting supposedly done on the bracelets which is just another excuse to give to people similar to saying they have a titanium sphere zones that have magical powers.
The sphere zones somehow are supposed to increase CJ Wilson’s atheletic ability but this is nothing more than push button marketing where doing nothing gets you your dreams and more.
The truth is CJ Wilson spent years and years practicing pitching to be as good as he is. The necklace gives him no competitive edge other than as a placebo.
A good counter test subject is Cliff Lee who is also a Texas Rangers pitcher. Cliff Lee does not wear one of these necklaces and performed much better over the year than did CJ Wilson.
Also take a look at the extraordinary Texas Rangers pitcher Neftali Feliz. He wears some type of balance necklace as well. I am not sure if it is a Phiten necklace but it just goes to show how much superstition is in sports excellence.
It does not matter how smart or gifted you are there are people who will believe in these balance bracelets and necklaces regardless of how much evidence is out their to show that they are scams.
I walked into my local pharmacy in Lindale Texas the other day to see the notorious Power Balance bracelet for sale on the front counter. They were selling it for $19.95 which is usually the price I see it for at other places.
Right next to it was another bracelet called the Phiten Sporting Bracelet. This one claims some different health benefits such as the ability to enhance circulation and promote relaxation in the arm, wrist and shoulder.
I couldn’t believe a pharmacy was selling this considering I put places like the pharmacies in a scientific category in my mind that isn’t necessarily a business accustomed to selling wacko science products.
For instance I usually see ear candles in wellness and herb type stores but rarely do I see ear candles fro sale in my local pharmacy.
The new Phiten sporting bracelet is 100 % silicone which I don’t understand would be touted as being such a great benefit. If they were to say it was 100% made out of gold I might buy it.
These Phiten bracelets have embedded micro titanium sphere zones in them. What is a micro titanium sphere zone? I don’t know and I am sure that is what Phiten hopes many people will think as well so as to let peoples imaginations run wild and come up with their own scientific explanation.
A fun fact about the Phiten brand bracelets is that some pretty big sports stars use this brand. CJ Wilson with the Texas Rangers wears a Phiten necklace and pitches on a professional MLB pitching mound. And it’s not just him that wears this type of thing. Pretty much all the pitchers wears these necklaces accept for Cliff Lee who has now left the Rangers to play with the Phillies.
The balance bracelet enthusiasts and believers out there that are quick to give testimonials on all the ways the bracelets have healed their bodies as well as go into how the bracelets work in a pseudo science kind of manner.
So for those who prefer micro titanium balls in their bracelets over hologram stickers here is another bracelet for you.