Lindale has opened a walk in Pizza Hut. I really like the pizza here. Pizza Hut has great pizza and is known for their great selection of pizza crust. Although I really like the pizza and food here I was greatly disappointed the first time that I had gotten pizza from the Lindale Pizza Hut. When I walked into the small store with my sister I saw a small red sign under the cash register that said tat if the employee does not offer to show the costumer their pizza before they hand it over, the costumer will get their pizza for free. We ordered our pizza and the young man behind the counter only had to deal with a couple phone calls and one other costumer besides us. We had about twenty minutes to spare before our order was done. We walked around the stores next to Pizza Hut, such as, Cato and Katie’s. When we came back the pizza was ready to go. The young employee handed us our pizza and did not offer to open the box and show us our order. I pointed out the sign and some what jokingly said that we should get our pizza for free. The employee got really upset that I would call him out on his mistake. I really was not going to make him to give it to me until he got mad at me and claimed that he was extremely busy (there was no one else in the store at this point) and it was wrong that I point out the policy. We ended up just walking out with our pizza and not getting it for free. I should of went back and complained but I knew that my family may have been annoyed when I brought back cold pizza. I was really frustrated that the employee gave such attitude. I like Pizza Hut pizza, but next time I go to Pizza Hut and the employee does not show me the pizza before handing it over, I will ask to get my pizza for free, no matter what excuse the employee gives me
Pizza Hut
October 20th, 2010Pizza Hut
October 18th, 2010Lindale has opened a walk in Pizza Hut. I really like the pizza here. Pizza Hut has great pizza and is known for their great selection of pizza crust. Although I really like the pizza and food here I was greatly disappointed the first time that I had gotten pizza from the Lindale Pizza Hut. When I walked into the small store with my sister I saw a small red sign under the cash register that said tat if the employee does not offer to show the costumer their pizza before they hand it over, the costumer will get their pizza for free.
We ordered our pizza and the young man behind the counter only had to deal with a couple phone calls and one other costumer besides us. We had about twenty minutes to spare before our order was done. We walked around the stores next to Pizza Hut, such as, Cato and Katie’s. When we came back the pizza was ready to go. The young employee handed us our pizza and did not offer to open the box and show us our order. I pointed out the sign and some what jokingly said that we should get our pizza for free. The employee got really upset that I would call him out on his mistake. I really was not going to make him to give it to me until he got mad at me and claimed that he was extremely busy (there was no one else in the store at this point) and it was wrong that I point out the policy. We ended up just walking out with our pizza and not getting it for free. I should of went back and complained but I knew that my family may have been annoyed when I brought back cold pizza. I was really frustrated that the employee gave such attitude. I like Pizza Hut pizza, but next time I go to Pizza Hut and the employee does not show me the pizza before handing it over, I will ask to get my pizza for free, no matter what excuse the employee gives me.
Dr. Morgan
October 14th, 2010Dr. Morgan is a chiropractor and nutritionist in Jacksonville, Texas. I have always heard about the way that he diagnoses people and how questionable his strange ways are. Dr. Morgan does some strange things, like pull on pressure point on you body and watch your reactions just to see what vitamins you are missing, he also will ask you to hold small glass bottles with clear liquid and push on your other hand to check your strength. By doing this he sees what foods your body is rejecting. Even though the way he diagnoses his patients are questionable and to be honest, a little hokey, the results are undeniable.
He helps people of all ages and people with all different problems. My daughter has been doing the oddest thing for the past few months, which was eating strange things like chalk, dirt, paper, and even dry wall. It was really strange for her to act that way. I started to worry because she started to hardly eat food, even if it was her favorite foods. I began to get really worried and quickly called her doctor. He told me to just give her iron vitamins. I tried that and nothing improved. So I decided to investigate, I quickly discovered that there is a eating disorder called PICA that three year olds can get. Basically small children eat dirt instead of food to get that full feeling. I got really worried so I took her to Dr. Morgan. He did a strange method to find what her body was missing and what her body is rejecting. The doctor gave her chewable supplements to take a couple times a day, and told me to keep her off of MSG. Once I began to do what the doctor said within a couple days I saw such a huge difference. Not only did she start to eat her food and stopped crazy dirt, she was able to communicate better, and listen to direction much easier. I was impressed with her attitude and obedience. It was like she could finally think clearly.
My daughter is one of many people that has changed their health and lives because of Dr. Morgan. I still am not a complete believer in his ways. I don’t understand how he can see that you have gallbladder problems by pushing on your hand, but the results are clear. He provides his patients with a natural way to live a healthy and happy life.
Tyler, Texas Weight Watchers for weight loss
July 21st, 2010
The Weight Watchers program for weight loss is a weight management program that simplifies calorie counting by assigning a point value to every food. Members are assessed upon joining the program to determine what their maximum daily point intakes should be.
Members are required to attend regular meetings for weigh-ins as well as to discuss with others what their progress is. People can find a great support structure at these meetings and learn tips, share challenges, and form friendships.
In Tyler, Texas there is 1 local group and 32 other groups in the surrounding areas, so finding a group convenient for you should not be difficult. Weight Watchers recently added online meetings to their website if you are unable to attend group meetings; however going to face to face groups will give you a more personal support group.
Having someone to be accountable to as well as to encourage you when you face difficulties can make all the difference in the world on your weight loss journey.
Weight Watchers is not designed to be a temporary diet, but more of a new lifestyle approach. When you have reached your goal for weight loss you can decide if you want to continue attending meetings or not, but should keep the same attitude toward food regardless in order to maintain your new weight.
Additional points are allowed for different exercises and Weight Watchers encourages members to adopt a healthy fitness routine. Visit the Weight Watchers website to find a group in Tyler, Texas.
Western Heritage Interiors in Tyler TX
June 2nd, 2010As the owner of a small house with a couple extra rooms, I have often made a habit of trying to keep a boarder or two to help pay for expenses. Mine is a bookish house, ok that just sounds snobby… I have too many books! Now I’ll never be featured on TLC’s Buried Alive or anything, I’m at least neat, but there are books in just about every room save the restroom. Periodically I go through and prune but it doesn’t take long before I’ve replaced what I cut. Ok so I digress. It was probably about five summers ago when I and my cousin, who was living with me at the time, went looking for a new book case. It was June or July and we were dressed appropriately for the summer heat i.e. shorts and t-shirts. We stopped off at a local and well known furniture store, and were greeted by an elegantly dressed, attractive, youngish woman, with an attitude that was anything but. As we entered the establishment the woman looked us over and inquired rudely, “What are YOU looking for today?” “Just looking for book cases,” I replied sheepishly and a bit sarcastically. She told us with mock disappointment the store didn’t carry bookcases. We chose to take her at her word even though we could see they had several on the sales floor.
Furniture stores are funny that way. There’s often a great deal of pretention that goes along with selling furnishings. “I don’t think we sell that sort of thing here… We sell exclusively Carl Farbman’s designs. Did he ever design book cases?” Well I found a furniture store with incredible merchandise and without all the snobbery. Western Heritage Interiors is located on highway thirty one, just off the west loop. The products they carry are all western themed and highly unique. The merchandise is all beautifully crafted, and while it is rustic in appearance, it is unlikely that you’ll find too many examples of this kind of quality in an old bunk house. And Western Heritage carries much more than just furniture. The store is filled with all manner of art, from paintings, to sculptures and everything in between. Ok, so lamps and tables made of elk racks, deer antlers or steer horns are a bit too rustic for me. But many people appreciate that sort of oddity. Overall this is a great store where patrons are sure to find all sorts of conversation pieces.
At the time of my visit I was accompanied by a two year old, and had no intention making a purchase, I was simply there for the purpose of writing this review, a fact I didn’t mention by the way. But the gentleman I spoke with was gracious and seemed unconcerned by the presence of a child in his store. Try that at another furniture store in Tyler. I should also mention that the store is locally owned and operated, so most of what is spent there, stays home in Tyler. Western Heritage also has a website, but it appears to be under construction because it doesn’t scratch the surface of the inventory the actually carry in store. I suggest visiting in person for a more realistic look at what they offer. Their web address is To reach them by phone, call 903-592-9803.