April 9th, 2012
Our workplace implemented a Fit City Challenge workplace environment about 1 year ago. What we have seen since then has been nothing short of remarkable. Each employee and their family got a full family membership at the new Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports mega-gym in Tyler.
I have personally lost 25 pounds with only some minor changes in my diet and some major changes in my activity level. I have a job where I sit at a desk all day and do various tasks on the internet. My workout of choice is the group kick boxing class at XTC. If I were to incorporate a strict diet I could have very easily lost another 10 pounds but I am in no hurry as 170 pounds at where I am at now is great!
My co-worker Luke has lost 20 pounds since he started working out and he does a combination of the spin group class and the kick boxing group class. Luke’s wife does the spin class routinely and she enrolled in the 12 week weight loss challenge.
This challenge offers a significant amount of money at the end and Hannah could very likely win some of it. Hannah has lost close to 40 pounds and at the weigh in we will know for sure if she made it to the 40 pound mark. The weigh-in is today so wish her luck!
I can say with all confidence that the change in the workplace from being active and concerned about health has given us a much more positive energetic environment while here. Nathan was skinny to begin with and is the co-worker with the least amount of weight loss. What Nathan has gained is a significant improvement in his cardiovascular abilities on the basketball court. In the past Nathan would be huffing and puffing while on the basketball court during a pick up game. He routinely has more speed and stamina when playing his friends in basketball which is a significant improvement in his sports performance prior to incorporating the XTC group kick boxing class into his daily exercise regimen.
Nathan feels much more awake at work since he exercises during his lunch break. Luke has noticed that he has clearer thinking while at work and his immune system is much better than it has ever been. I have noticed a much improved immune system because I rarely get sick although my allergies to pollen still persist. I also feel upbeat after my lunch workout and a stronger ability staying on task for the remainder of the day.
In conclusion, we will find out today if Hannah won either 1st, 2nd or 3rd in the 12 week weight loss challenge. It will be great if she won a prize but even if she doesn’t she still plans to enroll in the coming 8 week weight loss challenge they will be kicking off after this one is finished.
Tags: Amount Of Money, Basketball Court, City Challenge, Co Worker, Energetic Environment, Exercise Regimen, Family Membership, Fit City, Group Class, Kick Boxing Class, Lunch Break, Mega Gym, Minor Changes, Pound Mark, Significant Improvement, Spin Group, Sports Performance, Stamina, Strict Diet, Weight Loss Challenge, Workplace Environment
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
February 8th, 2011
Where is the East Texas Spring I know and Love? The past two winters have been incredibly cool and snowy! In fact one of the reasons I moved home to Tyler Texas from up north years ago, was because I was ready to escape the hostile cold. But the last month here has brought us a couple rounds of snow and ice with potentially more of the same coming in the latter half of this week. You know, a certain former Vice President has made quite a career and a considerable amount of money on the promise of coming global apocalypse due to warming temperatures (or of course global warming). I realize by the way that it’s terribly cynical of me to imply that there might be a financial benefit to convincing people that the world is ending. “Climate change experts,” will try to claim that global warming is responsible for both the cold and miserable winters and the hot and humid summers we’re experiencing. To which I respond emphatically No! You don’t get to claim both extremes as evidence for one of them! As far as I can see the trend seems toward climate cooling rather than warming. I realize come August it may be easier to concede the opposite, but summer heat is a part of the Texas lifestyle, snowy winters (at least on this regular a basis) are not.
The fact is I remember when East Texas could go years and years, without a single snow fall! Local schools were so desirous for time off that they began looking around for excuses to close their doors for a day or two. This winter we’ve had a couple instances just since January of snows closing local schools and businesses. Local weather reports are warning of potential winter storms again early Wednesday morning and continuing off and on through Friday! I guess we might as well make the best of it, because come summer it will be a fond recollection of cooler days gone by!
Tags: Amount Of Money, Climate Change, Couple Rounds, East Texas, Financial Benefit, Fond Recollection, Former Vice President, Global Apocalypse, Global Warming, Humid Summers, Local Schools, Local Weather Reports, Miserable Winters, Snow And Ice, Snow Fall, Snowy Winters, Summer Heat, Texas Spring, Tyler Texas, Tyler TX Snow, Winter Storms
Posted in Weather | 1 Comment »
January 1st, 2011
Choosing the lesser of two evils always sounds good at the time. But when it comes time to be the one to choose, it’s a lot better said than done.And when it comes to the debate over patent reform, whatever decision might be made, somebody is going to suffer. So the question is, which is worse: the loss of job opportunities worldwide or the possible death of a town.
The two sides of patent form goes like this. If the different aspects of reform go through, the town of Marshall will lose pretty much all footing it has gained for being recognized as the ideal location for plaintiffs of patent infringement lawsuits.
The types of changes that would affect them include forum shopping, lower damage rewards, and tighter infringement standards. Considering that Marshall has become the patent litigation “Mecca” because of its favorable findings for and large pay outs, these law changes would leave them dead in the water.
The worst of the changes would be eliminating forum shopping. The large number of patent infringement cases that has come to Marshall is due to the plaintiffs in the case being able to choose its location, and any dummy knows that it is better to hold your case in a location with the highest percentage of plaintiffs wins in the nation.
If these laws pass, the economic revolution that Marshall has experienced will come to an end. The side of patent reform is how litigation has stunted innovation and thus, job creation.
Because of the amount of money and time being spent in court houses for patent infringement companies and firms are handcuffed to pursue other possibilities, thus, handcuffed to hire more people. So, you tell me, which is the lesser of two evils?
Tags: Amount Of Money, Court Houses, Dead In The Water, Dummy, Economic Revolution, Favorable Findings, Footing, Job Creation, Job Opportunities, Law Changes, Lesser Of Two, Lesser Of Two Evils, Marshall Texas, masthall texas patent litigaton, Mecca, Patent Form, Patent Infringement Cases, Patent Infringement Lawsuits, Patent Litigation, Patent Reform, Plaintiffs, Town Of Marshall
Posted in Attorneys | No Comments »
October 30th, 2010

Tyler Texas Real Estate
It is the American dream to own your own little piece of real estate. Whether you actually want the white picket fence or not is up to you, but the fact is that there are dozens, and even hundreds of beautiful pieces of affordable Tyler, Texas real estate on the market right now. It’s a buyer’s market, so there is no better time to buy than now. The trouble is, you aren’t the only home seeker that knows that!
If you want to compete with other Tyler, Texas real estate buyers to get the best home for the best price, your first step should be to get financial preapproval. Now, just because you get approved for a certain amount of money does not mean that this number is where you should start your search. It is not uncommon for people to get approved for more than they can comfortably afford once all of their other monthly obligations are taken into consideration.
Escrow items such as property tax and homeowner’s insurance will be added to your monthly payment and while most lenders will try to give you an estimate of what the total payment may be, nothing will be certain until you find out the exact numbers. Know the most you will be comfortable paying every month for your Tyler, Texas real estate and the corresponding list price that will give you that payment or less. Then you will know the price range you will be able to look in and your preapproval makes you a qualified buyer that sellers will take seriously.
Tags: American Dream, Amount Of Money, Better Time, Dozens, East Texas Real Estate, East TX Real Estate, Escrow, Exact Numbers, Home Seeker, Insurance, Lenders, Preapproval, Property Tax, S Market, Texas Real Estate, Tyler Texas Real Estate, Tyler TX Real Estate, White Picket Fence
Posted in Real Estate | No Comments »