April 27th, 2011

Wow! Finally the real genuine long form Obama birth certificate. This was released April 26 2011 from Hawaii.
Now we wait to hear conspiracies that the long form Obama birth certificate 2011 is a forgery. You know that whole debate is coming.
I am now waiting to see if Obama will say that this is indeed his birth certificate. Those who love chasing conspiracies will want to hear this. Once conspiracists hear this they will want even more information and so the cycle continues.
The current question being posed is: “Obama has provided us with another “Certificate of Live Birth” are people so stupid they don’t no what the difference between a “Birth Certificate” and a “Certificate of Live Birth”?”
The certificate shows his fathers race as African and his mothers race as white. The notion that the birth form would say that Obama’s race is “white” is not on the form anywhere so this theory about wanting to hide this is false as well as the theory of him not being a natural born citizen. The document does list his father as African. If his father is not American I do not believe Obama qualifies but I assume this only refers to his fathers race.
Another point of considerations is that when using Adobe Illustrator and releasing layers/elements it shows the document was composed using a few layers. Here are two seperate layers of what the Whitehouse released. You may interpret it as you see fit.

Here is the Whitehouse.gov PDF version if you would like to try the Adobe Illustrator release layered elements technique: Whitehouse.gov full PDF file
It’s interesting that this was released at the same time the Jerome R. Corsi book, “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate” is number 1 on Amazon.com.
Tags: 2011 Obama birth certificate, Adobe Illustrator, Amazon, Birth Certificate, Born Citizen, Conspiracies, Elements, Fathers Race, Fit, Forgery, Hawaii, Jerome R Corsi, Live Birth, Love, Notion, Number 1, Obama, Obama long form birth certificate, Pdf File, Pdf Release, Pdf Version, People, Whitehouse, Wow
Posted in Socio Political Commentary | No Comments »
December 28th, 2010
When considering HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) hormone injections as a method of weight loss one must factor in accessibility of all the products involved.
Besides the substance HCG itself users must purchase “mix kits” (which include syringes, mixing vial, mixing solvent, and alcohol wipes), Sodium-Chloride, and Bacteriostatic water. There are two conventional methods to go about acquiring HCG and HCG supplies. The first is by mail-order in one of the HCG weight loss clinics.
The advantages for this are that the specialized personnel of these facilities will be able to aid you in all the specifics in order to buy exactly what is needed. The disadvantages are the cost of the services offered at the clinic and that there are limited numbers of clinics nationwide.
HCG Hormones and my body
Altogether there are 55 in the continental United States and many of those are located in isolated areas rather then spread out. The second purchasing method is via the internet. This can feel at times like the zombie mode of Call of Duty’s Black Ops.
As you make your way through a maze of doors and rooms, you end up back tracking and looking for more. There are 3 good sources for finding all your HCG needs on the internet: HCG provider directory, HCG weight loss specific search engine, and advertisements on HCG specialized websites.
You’ll find that once you click one link it usually leads you to another. This is especially true for buying the HCG injections them self. There are a couple of websites that sell the necessary supplies needed for the injections, including Amazon.com, but all signs point to just one place to buy the HCG hormone itself and that is reliablerxpharmacy.com.
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Tags: Alcohol Wipes, Amazon, Black Ops, Chorionic Gonadotropin Hormone, Continental United States, Conventional Methods, Hcg Hormone, Hcg Injections, Hcg Weight Loss, Hcg Weight Loss Clinics, Hormone Injections, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Mail Order, Necessary Supplies, Provider Directory, Purchasing Method, Signs Point, Sodium Chloride, Weight Loss Clinics, Zombie Mode
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
December 1st, 2010
Whether you love him or hate him, the release of George W. Bush’s book “Decision Points” on November 9th stirred up memories of the former president’s unmoving stand on his convictions throughout his presidency. Despite the great opposition of a populace of differing opinions, President Bush made his choices and always stuck with it.
Do people say that HCG Hormone Shots Work?
As we aspire to reach our own lofty goals in life one could take President Bushs example as a rule of life. Of course, we are no 43rd President of the United States and this is no war on terrorism. So that being said, when it comes to deciding whether or not to stick with your current use of HCG hormone injections as a weight loss solution I say “let the populace be heard and take their advice!”
With numerous websites ran by health experts, doctors, and the overall population telling us of their experience available to us we must take into account what they have to say.
So, what are they saying? Without going into great details, here are a few observations made through a little surfing of the web. Fitness and diet websites including livestrong.com, dietinreviews.com, and wellsphere.com, along with almost any others that don’t carry the name “hcg” express doubts, reservations, or absolute rejection of HCG.
Medical and health websites like webmd.com and mayoclinic.com talk extensively about HCG and its shortcomings from a medical viewpoint. Now when it comes to open forums seen in popular websites like oprah.com and amazon.com as well as smaller website open forums you will see an overwhelming amount of testimonies telling of the successful loss of weight.
[ad#HCG Call CJ]
Tags: Amazon, Decision Points, Diet Websites, George W Bush, Goals In Life, Health Experts, Health Websites, Hormone Injections, Hormone Shots, Lofty Goals, Medical Viewpoint, Oprah, Populace, President Bush, President Bushs, President Of The United States, Rd President, War On Terrorism, Web Fitness, Weight Loss Solution
Posted in Weight Loss | No Comments »
January 8th, 2010
With the closing of Circuit City Tyler finds itself with only one major retail electronics store. Best Buy in Tyler is located on South Broadway behind Ryan’s Steakhouse. The store is generally neat and clean and has great customer service. If you’re looking for a more expensive product, particularly on the order of a new computer or Television, you should be able to find some fairly good sales. It’s the smaller items on which you’ll find some rather unreasonable mark ups. Any kind of cords, power supplies, or other accessories are far too expensive. I have often found myself turning to other sources like e-bay and have saved hundreds on brand new items.
The movie selection is pretty good. I can usually find what I’m looking for provided it’s not too obscure. Although I must confess, based on my last couple of visits, the movie selection seems to have shrunk some. That could be a reflection of a lack of quality product lately. If what you’re looking for isn’t there, I would suggest a visit to Barnes and Noble instead.
As a generally intelligent adult I find a trip through the music aisle an embarrassing experience. I’m not sure whether I should be ashamed by my own lack of knowledge about the current music trends, or whether the musicians themselves are the ones who should be ashamed, both of their own product as well as the way they appear on the labels. Maybe I’m just getting older, and more like my father, but I suspect it’s the latter. These days I prefer the anonymity of iTunes or Amazon when making my music purchases. Not that my tastes are that bad per say, I just find it awkward to explain my purchases, something I feel the inexplicable desire to do. It’s kind of similar to answering the infamous question, “What’s that book about anyway?”
I do enjoy the gaming section although I no longer have the time I once had to invest in that pursuit. By far the best part of the store for me is the computer section. I find it so satisfying to browse the aisles for things I’d love to have but can’t afford. Ok so that’s a bit cynical. I can actually afford a computer every couple of years or else I wouldn’t be typing this, but I digress.
Bottom line is that Best Buy in Tyler is a pretty good store if you like the retail giants. While I seldom go there just to hang out, I do enjoy browsing a little. Larger items are priced fairly low if you take into account the various rebates available, but when it comes to smaller items you’re probably better off trying a few other sources first. To view their website, go to www.bestbuy.com.
Tags: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Best Buy, Best Buy Tyler Texas, Circuit City, Computer Section, Current Music, E Bay, Gaming Section, Great Customer Service, Infamous Question, Intelligent Adult, Itunes, Lack Of Knowledge, Mark Ups, Music Aisle, Music Purchases, Music Trends, Retail Electronics, South Broadway, Tyler Best Buy, UPS
Posted in Appliances | No Comments »
January 8th, 2010
While the Barnes and Noble chain is often seen as the Walmart of the bookselling world, the benefits of having one in Tyler are innumerable. Even though B&N is far from a local business, it has become something of a social and cultural center here. Not only does the store boast thousands of titles for sale, but since its opening, countless musical presentations, author signings, and other events have taken place within its doors.
The Starbucks café has served as a meeting place for book clubs, chess players, church groups, and even the occasional college student cramming over a cup of Joe. Sometimes it’s a place for prearranged meetings, and sometimes it’s just a place to kill time. And who can resist wandering the book filled aisles looking for nothing in particular, but finding some volume we can’t live without.
On-line booksellers like Amazon.com or even Barnes&Noble.com and others are useful tools for locating those hard to find or out of print books. But they cannot replace the bookstore experience. It is one of the pleasures of life to sit on the floor and read the first couple chapters of a book before deciding whether or not to make the purchase. And unlike electronic books, a hard copy will never crash or freeze up.
The sympathies of a literary purest aside, the book store turns a tidy profit, both for the company and the community, and with a sizable staff employed there a certain amount of the dollars do stay in Tyler. So even though our neighbor B&N isn’t company headquarters, and its not a mom & pop style business it is nevertheless a staple of our local community, one we are fortunate to have.
Tags: Aisles, Amazon, Author Signings, Barnes and Nobles, Barnes and Nobles Tyler Texas, Bookseller, Bookstore Experience, Chess Players, Church Groups, Company Headquarters, Couple Chapters, Cup Of Joe, Electronic Books, Line Booksellers, Musical Presentations, Pop Style, Starbucks, Starbucks and Barnes and Nobles, Style Business, Sympathies, T Company, Tidy Profit, Walmart
Posted in Book Stores | No Comments »
Obama’s Long Form Birth Certificate 2011
April 27th, 2011Wow! Finally the real genuine long form Obama birth certificate. This was released April 26 2011 from Hawaii.
Now we wait to hear conspiracies that the long form Obama birth certificate 2011 is a forgery. You know that whole debate is coming.
I am now waiting to see if Obama will say that this is indeed his birth certificate. Those who love chasing conspiracies will want to hear this. Once conspiracists hear this they will want even more information and so the cycle continues.
The current question being posed is: “Obama has provided us with another “Certificate of Live Birth” are people so stupid they don’t no what the difference between a “Birth Certificate” and a “Certificate of Live Birth”?”
The certificate shows his fathers race as African and his mothers race as white. The notion that the birth form would say that Obama’s race is “white” is not on the form anywhere so this theory about wanting to hide this is false as well as the theory of him not being a natural born citizen. The document does list his father as African. If his father is not American I do not believe Obama qualifies but I assume this only refers to his fathers race.
Another point of considerations is that when using Adobe Illustrator and releasing layers/elements it shows the document was composed using a few layers. Here are two seperate layers of what the Whitehouse released. You may interpret it as you see fit.
Here is the Whitehouse.gov PDF version if you would like to try the Adobe Illustrator release layered elements technique: Whitehouse.gov full PDF file
It’s interesting that this was released at the same time the Jerome R. Corsi book, “Where’s Obama’s Birth Certificate” is number 1 on Amazon.com.
Tags: 2011 Obama birth certificate, Adobe Illustrator, Amazon, Birth Certificate, Born Citizen, Conspiracies, Elements, Fathers Race, Fit, Forgery, Hawaii, Jerome R Corsi, Live Birth, Love, Notion, Number 1, Obama, Obama long form birth certificate, Pdf File, Pdf Release, Pdf Version, People, Whitehouse, Wow
Posted in Socio Political Commentary | No Comments »