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Main Ingredient in HCG Weight Loss Serum?

December 10th, 2010

Pregnancy Hormone Weight LossAs you probably already know, the main ingredient of the HCG weight loss plan is the HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, hormone.

Also, as you probably know, the hormone was discovered in pregnant women. So as we look into whether or not we want this to be our weight loss solution we need to ask the question, how is it produced?

Injections of Hormone to Lose Weight, Good or Bad Idea?

Many detractors and casual informants of HCG have stated that the product is manufactured from the urine of pregnant women. Of course, any truth of this would be hidden from the general public by HCG suppliers to avoid any controversy. And in fact hcgdietinfo.com claims adamantly that this is not true.

But a further look into other spheres, namely steroid users who use HCG to increase their testosterone,  has shown that it is understood that the hormone is excreted from the urine as it passes uncontaminated in a pregnant women’s blood through the kidneys.

Truth be told, even if it were true, how would we find out? On the other side of the coin we have read and been told that production of HCG in the United States is done in a FDA registered lab and that it has been prepared according to the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia.

Further research shows that the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia is a book of conditions and standards that must be met when producing homeopathic products. Of course, we have no idea if those standards include excreting from urine.

General research of the subject still leaves questions, so when it comes to whether or not you wish to use or continue to use HCG a more thorough search with a physician or supplier would need to be done.

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HCG Hormone Weight Loss Clinics, what to know

December 5th, 2010

Weight Loss Through Pregnancy HormoneAs any of us who have dealt in any area of business as either a vendor or consumer know, a good reference is very important. Shoot, at the very least any of us can understand how far a good reference can get us when it comes to job hunting.

Should I Inject Hormones in my body?

Well, let me tell you today that when it comes time to visit a HCG hormone weight loss clinic to begin your weight loss journey: get a reference!

If you haven’t heard any horror stories yet, just do a little research and you will. Whatever the success rate of HCG weight loss might be, it won’t matter much if you don’t found the right clinic to aid you in the program. So here are a few recommendations when it comes time to choose.

Use whatever HCG clinic directories you can find. In these directories are a number of clinics that you would be able to find. Two good one’s that have been found are on hcgweightloss.com and hcgproviderdirectory.com.

The first one gives a star-rated system to most of it’s listed clinics that will help you to know of it’s quality and the second one informs you of a “Trim You” certification that certifies the clinic as one that follows the founder, Dr. Simeons, procedures and protocols closely.

If you are unable to find any of your local clinics listed with a HCG clinic directory then it is recommended to do to things. One, check out any local business directories that give clinic references or forums where people give testimony of the visit or to ask the clinic itself to give you references of current clients.

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Dr. Charles Robinson, dentist being reported to be a peeping Tom

December 2nd, 2010

Dr. Charles Robinson has been reported on several news stations in Tyler as having installed cameras in a house he was renting to peep on a 14 year old girl and a 40 year old woman.

When asked about suspicious behavior in the attic he told the tenant he was changing a light bulb.

The tenant later discovered hidden cameras in the attic. The doctor admitted to some of the alleged complaints against him and is out of jail on bail tonight.

His neighbors describe him as a good Christian man. We will hold off on passing judgement until this goes through a fair court trial but it is a weird wild story involving a dentist and hidden cameras, the stuff nightmares are made of.

Read all the stories from local Tyler news stations below:

News stories on dentist – http://tx.cm/fRguyG

Do HCG Hormone Shots Work?

November 30th, 2010

Pregnancy Hormone Weight LossLadies and gentlemen don’t let the Brad Childress/Wade Phillips effect sneak into your dieting and weight loss game. Both Childress and Phillips are each former head coaches of two high profile NFL teams, with an emphasis on “former”. Their relation to our weight loss plans goes like this.

B Ki Weight Loss in Tyler Texas

As head coaches of the Minnesota Vikings, Childress, and the Dallas Cowboys, Phillips, it became obvious to the general public and most sport experts that each coach needed to be let go about two weeks before team owners went ahead and pulled the trigger.

Granted that their much more successful previous seasons commanded some respect the basic issue was this: it’s not working! When it comes to seeking out the best method for weight loss we are bombarded by one easy-to do-quick-fix after another.

And guess what? THEY DON’T WORK! Take the HCG hormone injections for example.  HCG, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, is a hormone that is released by pregnant women that burns “abnormal” fat in the stomach, buttock, and leg areas.

This method maintains that the injection of HCG boosts the metabolism in a normal individual as it would naturally during a women’s pregnancy and burns these “abnormal” fat areas, claiming up to 1-3 lbs. loss daily.

As some experts have tested this methodology they have found almost no real weight loss due to the injections and we can assume that the loss of 1-3 lbs. daily is due more to the 500-800 calorie a day diet partnered with this weight loss plan than the drug itself.

So, people, when it comes to your game plan for losing those extra pounds after these holiday seasons don’t hold on to your “Childress/Phillips” diet scheme when everyone else knows it’s not working!

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Lose Weight By Injecting Woman Pregnancy Hormone in Your Body Even if your a guy

November 24th, 2010
Weight Loss Pregnancy Hormone

B Ki Website

Beyer-Kirk International of Las Colinas
(Offices also in Tyler and the Dallas Fort Worth area)
6420 N. MacArthur Blvd., Ste. 100
Internet 75930
United States of America
Phone:  972-506-0503
Web Address:  www.40lbsin40days.com

B Ki, ever heard of it? So your a guy and you want to lose weight no problem. Simply allow us to inject your body with woman’s pregnancy hormones. But I’m a guy! That’s ok the hormones will trick your body into thinking you are a pregnant woman and will help you lose weight. However you must adhere to a very strict low calorie diet.


I would rather just do the low calorie diet than the whole drinking mad scientist serum to turn into a pregnant woman because it just sounds unnatural a bit.

Well that’s not what is going on, we inject this stuff in your body and cough..cough..you may start going bald especially if you are already a woman.

I really don’t think I like the sound of this stuff B Ki.

This is the thinking that goes in my head from listening to friends of mine who have done the woman pregnancy hormone thing to try and lose weight.

Woman Pregnancy Hormone and Weight Loss

Quite a few people describe this $1695 dollar weight loss plan as the starvation diet while the pregnancy hormone serves to offer a placebo effect while giving you the benefit of going bald at the same time.

I don’t know if the rumor is true but a guy commented on this site that the local Tyler Texas B Ki clinic has shut down and they have multiple lawsuits against them. Some of these lawsuits are said to be from previous employees that worked at B Ki as well as clients?

I was also told that the Texas Attorney General is investigating B Ki for false claims promoted in their advertising and by their sales people.

I don’t know how much of this is hearsay or real but I plan to request the Texas Attorney General complaints to do a little fact checking.

At this point I must point out that B Ki is innocent until proven guilty and these things are alleged offenses that must be taken through a court of law. Most of what I have said in this post is just my complete lack of understanding played out in a witty little joke that this stuff will turn a guy into a woman. Come on people, it won’t do that but you may lose your hair.

The name of the woman pregnancy hormone used in this clinic is called the HCG hormone shot.

If you are overweight now would be the time to do a little more research before injecting this stuff in your body.

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