Devices to Lose Weight
With any amount of looking-into one would have a basic idea of the supplies necessary for performing your HCG hormone weight loss program. But with a little bit more investigation you would see that there is a longer list of needs than first believed.
One suggested item is the HCG test strip. This helps you to test the levels of HCG in your drop bottle or injection mix. Another item is a Body Fat Monitor and Myo Tape. This is a device that analysis’s your body fat as it sends micro electrical currents through your hands.
As the electrical current goes through your body it displays Bioelectrical Impedance Method (Bi) and the Body Mass Index (BMI). Since muscles, blood vessels, and bones contain water the Bi measures where there is any lack of water which signifies what is fat.
The Myo tape is simply a tape measure that allows you to keep track of any loss of inches on your thigh, mid-section, arms, legs, or neck. Then there is the Food Scale which is important as you follow the regimented HCG diet, especially when weighing your 100 grams protein for lunch and dinner.
Other possible items to help with keeping up on your diet is the George Foreman grill, the Bamboo Steamer which comes in handy with all the steaming to do with your proteins and vegetables, and a Microwave Onion Cooker since sautéing the onions with oil would be prohibited.
With all things considered for the cost of doing the HCG weight loss program, seeing these extra little costs makes you want to really reconsider if this plan is worth the cost.
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