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Get Fit and Live, and Tony Cruz with XTC Fitness Can Help You Do It

June 7th, 2011

moving water excerciseThere is a story of a man in Texas who approached some fitness instructors about his over weight dilemma. This guy had been on bed rest for several years because of an infection he had. He was over his original health issue but he was now in a spot where he felt unable to regain his health.

When looking at this man the fitness coaches could tell he had entered a place known as lymphatic stasis or simply complacency and stagnation. His condition was so bad that his legs had inflated to huge Pillsbury dough boy bulges. You see his condition was so bad that his body was full of toxic things and his body could not rid them.

In this condition it becomes very hard to regain health and start losing weight. The feeling of unhealthiness was the result of not “moving the waters” with good solid exercise.

The water analogy makes a lot of sense as our bodies make up is about 2/3rds water. Just as water left in pool without circulating pumps and cleaning mechanisms will turn to a slimy gunky mess full of worms and disease your body experiences similar toxic qualities when left to stagnate without exercise.

Now look at a pool of water that is moving, active, and alive rather than just sitting there. You will see fish, and life in that water that is inviting and beautiful. This is the picture of exercise and what it does to a body. Exercise stirs the waters in your body, releases toxins, cellular trash, increases brain response, and strengthens your body and offering you the good natural kind of energy.

Tony Cruz xtc fitnessRemember our bodies are full of water which is often associated with healing, and in most societies the act of moving water is the response of life. A moving stream of water, a bubbling pool, a swirling ripple in a stream offer oxygen, life, and activity and is what stirs up a healthy body of water. A stagnant pool only contains dead things and parasites like leeches and other nasty things. Now is the time to take responsibility for your lack of life giving exercise, change your environment to effect change and get involved in a kickboxing or Yoga class at Tony Cruz XTC Fitness in Tyler Texas.

Kickboxing in Tyler TX

June 3rd, 2011

Tony Cruz XTC Fitness

Choosing an option to lose weight has never been something that I worried too much about. I know for many people it’s a huge deal and from time to time it is an issue that everyone spends a significant amount of time thinking about.

Kickboxing class in Tyler TX has always been an option but some places do a better job with it. What you get with XTC Fitness are real true fighters training you, encouraging, and tweaking your exercise routine as you complete their 45 minute to 1 hour fitness class.

I am experiencing some really awesome benefits from this fitness class even though I have only been doing it a few days so far during my lunch hour.

Weight is decreasing even though I haven’t changed my diet significantly. I feel stronger and my breathing isn’t as tiresome during workouts.

XTC Fitness offers the benefit and value of free personal training when going through the class. I knock the class out during my lunch break and quickly get on with my day.

Having a friendship with your personal kickboxing trainer encouraging you to come in everyday is better motivation than almost anything you could do on your own.

As a guy I see multiple women in the class out pacing me in almost every area. What this does to me is call back to that little boy inside that wants to atleast do better than the girls.

I find myself getting motivation from the women in the class as they do 25 man push-ups back to back and I can’t get to 5. It tells me something and that is that I might actually lose against some of these women fitness students in an MMA match up against them.

But really folks, this class is awesome for someone just starting out on correcting their weight and fitness problems. The XTC Fitness guys will have you in shape in no time. I will report back soon with some of my very own weight loss numbers.

XTC Fitness is on Broadway right by The Diner. Go by now and check them out and their gigantic fitness facility currently being built.

XTC Fitness and Sports in Tyler Texas Fast Weight Loss System

June 1st, 2011

Tyler TX GymsAre you a guy that sits behind a desk all day working for yourself and yet you do nothing to stay healthy or lose weight?

You are not alone as I myself have enjoyed the practice of eating what I want when I want with little regard for my growing belly and future heart problems.

I am a thirty something male who works for myself and has little self discipline when it comes to working out and learning new things.

What usually gets me off my seat is some type of dramatic life changing event but sometimes I simply choose to do something different for a change.

Tyler TX Gyms

You may take pride in the fact that you could lose weight by yourself if you wanted to but forget about that for now and look at the benefits of having a personal fitness coach.

At XTC Fitness and Sports in Tyler Texas you have multiple classes like kickboxing, and yoga that come free with your gym membership. Your personal coach walks you through the entire 45 minute to hour long class.

The noon class is only 45 minutes and allows you to skip out during lunch and do a hard core 45 minute work out routine that keeps your heart pumping the entire time while building muscle and learning how to fight.

The kickboxing class is no wimpy class and is made for guys or gals. Tony Cruz has been a very successful personal trainer for years and now has his own Tyler Texas gym.

The Tyler Texas gyms you see in town now are not equipped to the extent that XTC Fitness will soon be. XTC is currently converting the old Skateplex behind The Diner into a huge Tyler Texas gym the likes you have yet to see in East Texas.

Tony has spared no expense and has paid attention to offer every possible option for his Tyler TX gym that you could imagine from spin classes, indoor track, Yoga, Zumba, child care, kids tutoring, rock climbing wall, bleacher running platform, to a very impressive free weights layout.

New Tyler TX Fitness Facility

Considering with your membership you have access to a host of free fitness programs that have your very own coach to lead you through the quick efficient training you will feel better and more fit than you likely have since highschool.

XTC Fitness in Tyler TX offers you the exact system for your weight loss goals with affordable membership programs, the exercise systems you like in place, free personal training with each class, and a schedule to fit almost anybody’s time crunch.

Because Tony’s gym is in a very accessible easy to get to location in Tyler you can jet out from your workplace at noon, workout with the kickboxing class for 45 minutes, shower, and head back in to work.

Rather than eating a big burrito at Chuy’s, why not eat an already prepared sandwich, drive over to XTC Fitness and lose some weight. It is really as simple as that.

You just show up and Tony’s crew will handle it all from there. Within just a few short months and definitely within a year you will see some crazy fast results.

It is not just me that is getting into this kickboxing thing, I have met a 42 year old man in my class that does it with me, and stays afterwards to work out even longer. There are women in the class anywhere from 45 – 22 and they all do the real push ups and not the ones where you get down on your knees.

I am telling you many of these women never thought they would even be able to do one real push up and here they are doing 10 at a time what some call “man push-ups”

XTC right now has some pretty awesome deals so go by and talk to Jeremy and see what he can hook you up with and don’t forget to tell him you heard about their place on here.

As a bonus for joining early you will get access to their grand opening launch and party that is going to really knock the doors off the place.

They are only letting a select few in for their launch party on June 24th so go by now to join so you can get on the list.

As my own personal guarantee, if you join XTC fitness and lose no weight from their fitness system and give up I will buy you a Marble Slab ice cream on me, I will then take you back to XTC on a day of your choice and help you burn it off.

Now is the time to join a proven fitness system and stop getting confused and mixed up with all the Tyler TX gyms and sports centers that advertise out there. This is the real deal and has proven to many that weight really can shed off quicker than a striped lizard on hot asphalt.

As a warning, don’t put this off if you are 30 something and like me sitting behind a desk never doing something to keep that heart moving, and losing those pounds as it will catch up to you quickly. You know how the time is flying by now that your in your 30’s and it isn’t about to slow down and in fact will start moving even faster.

As a reminder XTC Fitness has some really sweet deals right now so be sure to come on in and check out what they are. Ask for Jeremy and he will give you the grand tour.

Call and speak with Jeremy at Telephone: 1-903-509-4269

Lap Band Surgery Tyler TX

April 18th, 2011

Hugh Babineau - Tyler Bariatric Surgeon

When considering Lap Band surgery you now have safer choices that were not available 5 years ago.

Post-op statistics show tragic numbers of lap band patients having life terminating complications that cut their life short.

A consultation on multiple weight loss surgery options is the best way to begin your look into lap band and other weight loss surgery choices in Tyler TX.

Hugh Babineau is one lap band surgery Tyler TX doctor but there are others. I recommend contacting Hugh and atleast 5 more doctors and put together the pros and cons of each surgeons methods, history, and recent updates to how they perform their medical procedures. Ask for statistics on post operation complications for those who have had Tyler TX lap band surgery.

Tyler TX Lap Band Surgery

East Lake Medical Plaza - Tyler Bariatrics

Kevin Trudeau Claims FDA is Hiding Positive Benefits of HCG Hormone

February 19th, 2011

HCG Hormones and Kevin TrudeauIt seems like everybody likes a little scandal and controversy and what with all the tabloids and entertainment/celebrity tv shows like “extra” and “tmz” focused on just that it is made readily handy to us. And when it comes to diets and diet fads there definitely is no lack of scandal and the gossip about it.

The HCG weight loss program has no lack of such things when it comes to how and if it works. But the controversy in the HCG program has taken on a new face and that face belongs to Kevin Trudeau.

If you take a look at Trudeau’s past it seems scandal and controversy follows him where ever he goes nowadays with many lawsuits due to misrepresentation of products on his infomercials. The interesting part is that the controversy that Trudeau has brought to HCG has been more beneficial than not.

Comments about HCG Hormone Diets

The first aspect of the controversy created by Trudeau was how he rocked the boat a little bit with statements from his book “The Weight Loss Cure “They” Don’t Want You To Know About” in which he has made claim that the FDA and drug companies are secretly trying to keep people from knowing about the HCG hormone and it’s help in weight loss in order to benefit themselves.

Be it true or not, Trudeau’s book has brought a bit of a revival to the HCG weight loss solution. Unfortunately, the controversy has not stopped there. It seems some of Trudeau’s skeletons have returned from the closet and, once again, he is being brought before the law for deceiving statements made about the HCG diet plan.


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