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Reduce Osteoporosis Using Modern Day Methods

September 8th, 2011

Like many things in life we discover later on what we suspected and new all along. We now know cigarettes cause cancer, many plastic cups and things cooked in plastic cause cancer that have the chemical BPA, and exercise decreases the chances of many kinds of cancer as well as bone diseases like Osteoporosis. I often worry that my wife could end up with this debilitating disease simply because an abnormal amount of women get it even when they regularly take calcium supplements.

It has now been discovered that what helps women avoid getting this terrible bone loss disease is simply exercising on a regular basis. In fact exercise has a remarkably greater effect of preventing this disease than does calcium supplements. The predominant lifestyle determinant that will virtually wipe out your chance of getting a bone loss problem is in pursuing a daily workout routine. It is important that young women begin working out daily now so that bone loss can be stopped before too much aging has occurred already. Once you lose that bone you can’t easily add it it back, leaving your body vulnerable to brittle breakable bones, knee and hip fractures and bone surgeries later on in life.

This scientific finding is backed up in scientific journals and you can learn and read more about it by reading what Tom Llloyd, Phd epidemiologist at Penn State University College of Medicine has to say about it as found in the Journal of Pediatrics. It is really simple, exercise simply treats the problem of bone loss by strengthening your bones and muscles. You will also see a reduction in mineral loss, a better posture, and a fit body that reduces your chances of falling and breaking your bones in the first place by adhering to a daily workout routine.

What I do to make sure I follow through on a daily fitness routine is to trick myself into doing what I honestly really feel like I don’t have the time, will, or energy for by utilizing a group exercise class. If you are a young woman in Tyler concerned about bone loss and have a family history of this disease I encourage to begin working out. If you are older and have kids now and just feel like the opportunity to workout has past you by, don’t tell yourself that. It is never too late to begin a workout routine to assist in reducing bone loss.

Workout number 22 at XTC Fitness & Sports

August 23rd, 2011

kickboxing class xtc fitnessI finished workout number 22 at Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports last week and I have yet to change my eating habits but I am now at 174 pounds from my all time maximize size of 195 pounds.

I am getting pretty good now at coming in almost every time to the group kickboxing class at noon at XTC. I am able to fit this 45 minute class in on my lunch break and get a really good cardio workout in while building a little muscle.

Because I am maintaining a moderate heart rate throughout the class it helps to decrease my appetite so even though I have not changed my eating habits I most likely do not eat as big of portions as I used to because I am just not that hungry anymore.

For having only done 22 workouts I would say that my weight loss is a pretty awesome result of this class and as a 35 year old male I see the main benefit being my increased health and lower chances of developing heart disease as I age.

I will likely eventually change up my diet more and eat healthier simply because as you move along the pathway of your goals you start to see your pathway light up in front of you showing you what to do next.

It simply becomes clearer as you move forward in business and life what the next step is and this is all a part of the game of success in whatever you do.

The important point to take away here is to do something. Move forward in some small manner and even though you don’t yet know what the end result or next step will be it will become clearer as you make some effort.

Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports makes your progress even faster as when in a group workout class you are told what to do throughout the entire workout. A group exercise class does not have much of a learning curve or self motivation factor as you are almost forcing your will into action.

Every time I go to do one of these workouts I am amazed at the level of intensity and can admit that if left on my own I would have likely not forced myself to complete the workout with the same amount of effort.

A good group exercise class like the kickboxing or cycling class at XTC is a great way to move yourself into a new positive routine in your life. I truly believe you will feel better, healthier, and have a new outlook on how easy it can be to achieve new goals in your life once you do this class a few times.

Go check out their website blog here to learn more: Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports

Exercise Slows the Aging Process

August 15th, 2011

Tyler TX weight loss fitness centersIn a study put out by the American Journal of Physiology it was discovered that antioxidant intervention which happens from taking supplements or exercise can slow the aging process. A steady routine of exercise had a significant effect on reducing oxidation about the same as taking supplements.

Don’t say, “Oh good I will just go take those pills instead of exercising.” It isn’t as simple as that as you must also contend with muscle attrition and fat gain that takes place after a certain age.

Unfortunately after you hit age 25 people typically lose about 1/2 to 1 pound of muscle tissue every year after this age. What happens is that by default our bodies will choose to add on more pounds of fat rather than muscle after this age.

You could see this medical reality as depressing but see it as a reason to get fit. By building up muscle mass through a regular workout routine at home or Tyler TX fitness center most people will increase their metabolic rate and burn more calories while resting.

You see you really can lose weight while doing nothing by you must first get in a workout routine to start building muscle so that will happen.

The numbers look like this, for every pound of muscle you keep or add on you will burn about 30 – 50 calories a day. By letting muscle be the default fiber you add on daily to your body you will allow yourself to lose weight the easy way, by doing nothing. You see that is why you hear the often used phrase, no pain no gain.

By getting in a small work out each day you will allow your body to shed those pounds simply by the new metabolic rate your body has with all that new muscle.

If you stay inactive all the time you are allowing your muscles to slowly eat away. Not only is your metabolic rate decreasing but your muscle tissue is being replaced by fat. This problem is easy to go unchecked as it is hard to see that your muscle is being replaced by fat as your body remains close to the same shape. Eventually you will notice and by that time things have gotten pretty bad.

In summary muscle isn’t just something that looks better than fat it actually increases your bodies ability to burn fat. If you have gone several years without exercising it is not uncommon to have lost close to 15 pounds of muscle. If you were to add that muscle back to your body your metabolic rate would be such that your body would naturally be able to burn 450 – 750 calories more per day simply by having that muscle back on your body.

P.S. If you are looking for a good Tyler TX gym with lots of scheduled group fitness classes like kickboxing, yoga, zumba dance, and others go by and check out Tony Cruz XTC Fitness. You can find their location on Google Maps here: Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports

Why Some Men Die Early

July 16th, 2011

I completed workout number 11 at Tony Cruz XTC gym in Tyler over by The Diner. I weighed myself right after and I have now gone from weighing 195 lbs down to 175 lbs.

This is really impressive considering I only work out every other week day for 45 minutes at their kickboxing class during my lunch break.

The truth is that about 10 lbs of that weight is likely water weight and so over the next few months comes the really hard part and that is losing the fat.

I will be continuing my kick boxing workout routine in the XTC kick boxing group workout class on my lunch break and adding a Yoga class to the mix.

As a man Yoga was something I never quite understood why I would ever want to do it as I always imagined it being nothing more than a lot of stretching with no results.

What I have found out is that some of the top weight loss results from some of the men that workout at XTC Fitness have come from adding in a Yoga class in their weekly routine.

I never thought I would be doing Yoga some day but I will be adding it in as a part of my routine at least once a week and the great news is it is free with my XTC membership as are all the group exercise classes.

If you have been thinking about a Tyler gym membership I recommend going by and checking out XTC’s group exercise classes. This is the best way to move your greatest asset into action, that being your will power.

Having an exercise trainer and those around you motivated to do the same thing is powerful and a shortcut to getting the type of fitness results you need.

Although some men die early as shown in the above pictures you also want to avoid one of the most common causes of early death among men, heart disease!

Here are the leading causes of death in the United States and some average numbers of deaths over the course of one year:

  • Heart disease: 600,000
  • Cancer: 560,000
  • Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 140,000
  • Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 130,000
  • Accidents (unintentional injuries): 120,000
  • Alzheimer’s disease: 70,000
  • Diabetes: 70,000
  • Influenza and Pneumonia: 50,000
  • Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome, and nephrosis: 50,000
  • Septicemia: 35,000

Don’t get me wrong here; we will all die someday and I am not trying to freak you out. My attitude is bring it on God I am ready when you think it is my time.

There is no reason to be scared of death if you know where you will be going and I personally do not strive to find the fountain of youth or magic pill of happiness.

Here is a little tip to help you avoid constant disappointment when it comes to weight loss, there are no quick fixes.

There is good news however, exercise has many daily positive benefits related to just living a good, healthy happy life where you feel good all day long.

Exercise helps you begin the practice of prioritizing things and your health and energy level should be close to the top.

You can’t really live efficiently if you always fill stagnant and glum from sitting in a chair all day.

Go by and check out Tony Cruz XTC Fitness on Broadway and see what they have to offer. They are just now moving into their new 51,000 sq. ft. state of the art gym facility and it will be open on Monday.

For a limited time they are giving 50 % off enrollments charges. Let them know you heard about this discount on TylerTXDirectory and you’re hooked up.

Tony Cruz XTC Fitness Sports Location and Phone Number

7922 S. Broadway
Tyler, TX 75703
Phone: 903-509-4269

Tony Cruz XTC Fitness Workout 8

July 5th, 2011

I completed workout number 8 today at Tony Cruz XTC Fitness & Sports.

This workout is done during my lunch hour and lasts 45 minutes so I can make it back to work on time.

I highly recommend you check it out. I love it, and it has me on a solid established routine now.

This is my first time weighing myself and I have gone from:

195 pounds down to 180 pounds.

Pretty cool… Check them out here http://www.xtremetc.com

7922 S. Broadway
Tyler, TX 75703
Phone: (903) 509-4269
