Southern Utilities in Tyler Texas
It’s been about a year and a half since I wrote my original article on Southern Utilities Water Company in Tyler, and still their service has not improved. Their unhelpfulness, and extremely poor customer service has made this company a source of real frustration for Tylerites like myself. Unfortunately, their lack of concern for customers is not limited to the company’s owners. Evidently the employees who work there are tired of the complaints of unhappy patrons and now make a point of maintaining a sarcastic and superior attitude.
So why am I returning to this topic? Because; I’ve had yet another disagreeable encounter with the business just today. When I arrived at the drive through window, (which by the way I did before four in the afternoon because that is when they close), I realized that I’d forgotten my bill. I explained to the girl what had happened and she responded with a blank stare and a “you’ll have to go inside for that.”
Now I realize that this in itself would not be a huge issue but I had my three year old with me, which was why I selected the drive through in the first place. I let slip a rye chuckle and asked “don’t you have a computer there that you can just pull it up on?” She responded with slightly more emphasis and a great deal more sarcasm: “You’ll have to go inside for that.”
So what she successfully communicated to me is that the kids working at Sonic have greater technology, and probably knowledge of that technology than one of the oldest utility companies in the Tyler area. I won’t detail the story of my encounter inside the building, but while I was not disruptive I did make it clear that I didn’t appreciate the company’s complete disinterest in the satisfaction of its clients. “As far as I can see there’s not a single thing this company is willing to do to make its patron’s lives easier.”
There are two ways to pay your bill with Southern Utilities: a check through the mail, or cash or check on location. There is still no website (which seems unheard of in today’s business climate), there’s no phone payment method, and they don’t even accept check or debit cards. The lady behind the desk didn’t care. Big surprise. Is there anyone in the East Texas area who wants to start a new business? I suggest servicing water to those who don’t qualify for city water. I can give you the names of numerous folks in our area who quickly sign on to your service.
Tags: Blank Stare, Check Mail, Disinterest, Encounter, Frustration, Greater Technology, Limited Company, Mail, Original Article, Patron, Patrons, Poor Customer Service, Sarcasm, Satisfaction, Single Thing, Superior Attitude, Two Ways, Tyler Area, Tyler Texas, Water Company
Can I make a payment to Southern Utilities online; where?
I guess I'll mail a check,oh no I only have plastic.I guess ill have to drive 20 mile to pay for a water bill!! But the thing is I'm between vehicles so maybe ill hitch hike and pay with a money order,Please,"Southern Utilities",set aside a budget for a billing website (or at least an I.V.R.) in the year 2012(really)so my water doesn't get shut off ! I have the money,but no transportation.Step into the computer age,its been long enough!!!!!
They are the most unprofessional company I have ever met. I am furious at their lack of concern, antiquated billing department, and pitiful customer service! The City of Tyler is ridiculous to let these idiots conduct business the way that they do. They cut our water off at 8:01 on the disconnect day eventhough payment had been sent by mail 2 weeks ago. Of course they love that payment in person or by mail are the only options of payment so that they can simply say "we didn't receive payment." Our notice came on the day before Thanksgiving and of course there was no way to get payment to them except to drive down to their ridiculous drivethrough or funeral home appearance of a lobby. !!!! They won't remove the locks for up to 36 hrs bx they only have ONE guy who puts the locks on on day one,then goes back on day 2 to remove the lock (but won"t turn the water on) regardless of how quickly payment was made. What a joke of a company!!! I hate them! they are stuck in the 1970s and an embarrassment to the city of Tyler!