In the video below we just try to recreate what really goes on when you are at a fair or something and an IRenew or Power Balance bracelet guy grabs you and does the demonstration. The fact that these guys setup at fairs and carnivals really adds to the whole idea of this IRenew demonstration being nothing more then a cheap carnival trick.
I personally believe as does my friend Todd that these hologram and magnetic bracelets are scams that supposedly offer the user energy and or balance. The demonstration below is done by one of IRenew’s competitors known as Pure Energy Bands but it is the same balance demonstration that IRenew does. The demonstration didn’t convince me although my friend Luke was kind of amazed.
There is no scientific proof that bracelets like the “I Renew – As Seen on TV” and the Power Balance bracelets offer your body energy or balance but people susceptible to horoscopes, superstitions, and celebrity gossip will buy these things for $20 – $100 a piece even though they are crap and cost $1 to manufacture in China.
Sports celebrities are promoting these bracelets including many NFL players. In fact I have seen some short “As Seen on TV” spots for these bracelets in between NFL football games.
If your going to spend $20 to buy a “balance bracelet” you know is just a placebo why not buy something that can make you $20 every so often and get that voodoo bracelet idea out of your head, grab a copy. It’s like automated cash – Click Here!
Watch a Power Balance bracelet video
Surprisingly or not there are many really stupid people who sit and watch NFL football games and at the same time pick up the phone and order a bracelet that has a hologram that purports to balance your body by adding the needed hertz your body needs to maintain optimal balance.
I have never heard that the body must be at a certain radio frequency to live a balanced life and I don’t think you will see the food and drug administration add that claim to the food pyramid anytime soon.
Overall though I find the Power Balance bracelets and the I Renew scams to be extremely funny. Up until seeing TV ad spots selling them I really didn’t think this would take off as the new “ear candle” of our day.
If you want to see how Irenew goes about advertising their product here are some of their best sellers right now.
We recently went to our own East Texas State Fair and there were a couple of power balance type bracelet vendors there. One was selling the “Power Balance” brand and the other bracelet was called, “Pure Energy Bands”. They both claim to do the same thing although Pure Energy says their bracelets has more radio frequencies in it to cleanse the body of all the radio interference to your body from laptops, cell phones and so forth.
We participated in their balance demonstration and caught the whole thing on video tape. I personally think it is a trick where the guy is there to throw you off balance the first time and there for support as you balance on one leg the second time. What can I say I am a big skeptic. The Pure Energy Bands brand claims to be one of the best in the market and they had pictures of NFL players wearing their bracelet similar to Power Balance.
If you have bought the Power Balance bracelet, the I Renew bracelet, Pure Energy Bands, Phiten necklace or a competing or similar bracelet I would like to hear your claims. I am a skeptic but I am willing to listen to your experiences with an open mind.
IRenew Bracelet Demonstration Video
Phiten Scam worn by Texas Rangers
Tags: Balance Bracelet, Balanced Life, Body Energy, Carnivals, Celebrity Gossip, China Sports, Cie Aura vrs Power Balance, Ear Candle, East Texas State Fair, Energy Bands, Food And Drug Administration, Food Pyramid, Friend Luke, Friend Todd, Guy Grabs, Hologram Bracelet, Horoscopes, I renew Bracelet, I Renew Bracelet As Seen on TV, I Renew Scam, i renew vrs Cie Aura, I renew vrs pure energy bands, Magnetic Bracelet, Magnetic Bracelets, Nfl Football Games, Nfl Players, Optimal Balance, Power Balance, Power Balance Bracelet, Power Balance Scam, pure energy bands, Radio Frequencies, Radio Frequency, Radio Interference, Skeptic, Sports Celebrities, Stupid People, Superstitions, Texas State Fair, Tv Spots
Like you, I'm skeptical of practically everything that can't be proven scientifically but I have an interesting story about the Pure Energy bracelet. I took my family to the Tulsa State Fair last weekend. My 14 year old daughter wanted a bracelet so we stopped at the booth and I went through the demonstration and was questioning the guy as to the why and how the bracelets work. 2 ladies come over with a kid who was probably 6 and suffered from cerebral palsy. The boy couldn't talk and he walked on his tip toes. They put a bracelet on the kid and he immediately started walking flat footed. It was really amazing. I talked to the ladies and was told he had never walked flat footed. These folks were real, I'm certain that they weren't part of the sales pitch. What I witnessed convinced me to buy bracelets for my family. I don't know if there is any health benefit to the bracelet but I do believe based on my experience that the bracelet does something with the body's electrical system.
Nice try Jim :o)) , but it's a scam not a miracle
I bought one today for $20 and had my friend try the same thing on me and honestly I did have a lot more stability with the bracelet then without. I don't know if its a mental thing or not, but I couldnt balance this well before…
I am a true analyst and love knowing how everything works and why (I work in engineering). Though there is no scientific validation to support the Pure Energy claims – the physical evidence is easy to witness. I bought a couple of these bands at my girlfriend’s request. We were at an event and the sales folks did the physical routine on both of us (twice). Both of us are very athletic and have great balance. I’m 6’-4” and have the physical prowess of an NFL line backer and the body to back it up. No 5’-5” sales gal at an event is going to upset my balance with slight pressure (no matter how she applies)….well, was I wrong! Time and again this thing works. I’ve shown all the other engineers in my office and friends outside the routine. Every single one of them has witnessed the results…to their complete amazement. I even bought one for my father who suffered a stroke a couple years ago and he’s had good results with it. I’m not selling these and am just a fellow who has purchased one and is still in awe over it. You’re not gonna become a superior athlete over night because you bought one, but it will improve your balance and flexibility. What can I say? “It works and I have no explanation for it”. I guess it’s just one of those rare things that I just have to accept as is. Aside from all that – it’s fun to wow your friends with at a party.
I'm 55 and started wearing the bracelet about 3 months ago. I've lost 30 lb and my penis grew 3 in. unfortunately it grew in and the weight loss was do to a double amputation , but still….
To all you nay sayers out there,if every mind were like yours since the beginning of time we would all still be living in caves.
The FDA is a joke,what do they have to do about it? The universe is all made up of energy for all you uninformed people and we are energy. Bottom line ,yes it does work.Please educate yourself and try it out before posting your assuming thoughts about it.
I am a pure skeptic. My BS radar is always up. But last night I was at a family dinner with some of my extended family I haven't seen in about 9 years and my cousin Chris had one on. I inquired about this bracelet and he told me it was a Power Balance bracelet. I raised my eyebrow and he said he would demonstrate it after dinner. Chris does not work for this company, he is not a salesman. So he had me stand, feet together, arms raised and lift one foot up. I couldn't even keep my balance. He told me he was going to push down on my right arm and for me to push back as hard as I could and keep standing on one foot. You have to understand, Chris is 6'7" and close to 300 lbs. I am 5'7" and about 190. He is WAY stronger than me. He THEN put the bracelet on my left wrist and had me stand again on one foot arms out to the side while he pressed down on my right arm as I pushed against it. I didn't even waiver, and I could have stood there for a very long time doing that.
I'm a skeptic. But I'm convinced this works.
Yeah dude…so how much did you get paid for shit shit?
It is a piece of silicone and the body doesn't have an energy field. There is a sucker born every minute.
Hey, I am not a sucker. It's my job to be analytical… Literally. I'm an analyst for an agency in the DC area, so take what I say or leave it… I really don't care. Anyways, tonight I bought an Energy Balance bracelet because, like a few of the folks who posted above, the worker tried the balance on one leg test with me. I bought it, my friend thought I was a sucker, but like I said before, I don't care :). I took it into a department store and showed the clerk that it worked… Apparently he suffered from slight vertigo, and when he used the bracelet, it went away. I don't believe in miracles, but with my own eyes and no endorsement, this damn little thing works. There you go.
Thanks for doing this! Definitely a scam. Lots of companies are using these parlor tricks and bad anectodal evidence of placebo effects to lie to people.
I too do not work for this company or have any relationship to any of the above posters. That said, I was in the mall for an extended period of time the other day and found myself in search of a men's room with no luck. I came across a Power Bracelet representative touting his wares, and couldn't help be distracted from my bowels and mildly curious, as I have seen PB commercials previously. As I was about to resume my search, a blind midget approached with his three-legged seeing-eye dog. The PB rep gently and kindly pulled aside the little gentleman telling him he wanted to show him something amazing.
The rep slipped a bracelet onto the blind midget and INSTANTLY he started crying, the rep asked why, and the midget said he could see! He was crying from the joy of it, and because he could see for the first time that his dog companion had 3 legs. The rep then put a bracelet on the dog's neck as a collar, and the dog was beautifully balanced and running perfectly as if with 4 legs.
Needless to say, I was amazed and totally convinced of this modern marvel and immediately bought 2, one for me and one for my penis.
hahahahah….lol….now that's funny
I thought just seeing the Irenew cockring thing made my day… This has to be the most constructive post here! HA HA HA!
Little metallic holograms embedded in a cheap silicone bracelet perform exactly one function very effectively: they liberate money from your pocket into the pocket of the huckster who sold it to you. The demonstrations shown in the video have been used by scammers selling products like this for decades. You can make people topple over by angling the force that you apply ever so slightly outward, away from their center of gravity. Then put the bracelet in their hand, and push straight down instead of down and out, and magically the bracelet has improved their strength and balance. Somewhere, P. T. Barnum is laughing hysterically.
Look I don't know if its the power of the mind or not but I'm an ironman triathlete I wear one on each arm for practice and race day events. Ok you put them on you don't feel anything different bet the house on that real person real testimonial BUT this is strange and make your own call on this. I take them off (I were 2 one on each wrist) I do feel something. Now this could be the power of the mind or it could be a placebo effect but all I know is when I take them off I can't really describe it but it feels like something is missing or changed. One persons experience make your own call.
So, BobbyO, are you just going to ignore all the other statements that didn't involve a so-called scammer/salesman or whatever? There's a term called -healthy- skepticism. Obviously, many ordinary people have claimed that it worked from personal experience. In fact, I noticed that everyone who said it was bullshit, didnt mention that they actually tried it and didnt work, just because they didnt. People like this, including the author of this post, forget about one crucial thing. Science is made by testing and observing the results. You dont have any credibility on your opinion if you havent personally tried it. If there's not a current scientific explanation now, it DEFINATELY doesnt mean there wont be one in the future, especially when something is empirically -prooven-, in many scenarios and setups, that it works. Scientists today cant make any sense out of quantum mechanics and they cant explain it, but obviously that doesnt mean it is bullshit or a "scam" , am I right?. Most people dont realize how mysterious the universe is. Get educated. Read about quantum physics or the M-theory and I promise you that your unhealthy skepticism will be cured.
Simple ways this Band gets you. First, you take a balance/strength/flexibility test before putting on the bracelet, fail miserably, put it on and all the sudden your blah blah has increased. The explaination? Your taking a test then, taking it again. So naturally you do better on the second time around because you believe it works and understand the force behind it.
How to prove this to yourself. Get a LIVESTRONG (Support Cancer Research Guys buy this instead of a Power Balance) and a Sports Wrist band that will cover the band, much like a Tennis or Basketball player would wear. Get a test subject explain what the band will do conduct the test. In every test you do, put the Power Balance first behind their back and then put the Wrist band of it or Shirt whatever will cover it so the person being tested doesnt know which one it is. Go through the test. Then put a LIVESTRONG cover it do the test again. Do this with all the test, remember using the Power Balance first then look at the results. The Placebo (LIVESTRONG) will win everytime. I got one of these for Christmas, did this test with my mom showing her the Powerbalance ofcourse it worked. Then doing the blind test the LIVESTRONG worked every time.
Another Test? get you and 4 friends. Have one friend place 2 LIVESTRONGS and 1 Power Balance without you knowing or them knowing who has it. So only one person knows who really has it. Conduct the Test. Pick who has it then repeat putting the power balance in someone elses pocket, if this thing works like it should, you should be able to pick it who has it every single time.
What total twaddle this bracelet is. And this crappy site pretending to be skeptical but really being just part of the scan.
You have got to be kidding if you think we believe in this bracelet ridiculousness. Maybe you should watch our other videos.
SCAM SCAM SCAM I did the same demonstration to my coworkers and family using my ionized cigarette lighter. I sold my lighter to a coworker for 20 bucks.
Go ahead and be skeptical but these things work. I am an engineer so I am trained to have a scientific mind. I didn't believe that these things worked until I tried it myself. I have been in a wheelchair since being paralyzed in a car accident 12 years ago. Within minutes of wearing an i Renew bracelet, I was walking again. Just kidding. . .
Is it just me or do all of the comments about how well these bracelets work seem to be written in a very similar writing style and have a very similar structure? Obviously, iRenew has put a few of its employees to work scouring the web for any article skeptical of these bracelets so that they can write bogus "testimonials." It's a plastic bracelet people. This is such an obvious scam that it makes me sad that people in this country are stupid enough to pay $20 for these things. No wonder the terrorists hate us.
My wife brought home a power balance braclet she had bought at work. I'm sceptical of everything and thought $20 wasted. After a few days I noticed she no longer dragged her left leg (result of a work injury to her back) when she walked. She got one for me, after 3 to 5 days I noticed I walked without scruffing my feet, my posture was better and I was sleeping through the night, something I hadn't done without medical intervention since I broke my ribs at 17.
We are so impressed we now sell the braclets. We buy volume to offer a size and color selection at reasonable prices and if you can find me a place where I can get any size, color and quantity I want delivered through customs, including shipping, escrow and freight for $1 please let me know!
No two users will have similar results, as to it being 'all in your head' we have found they have to be replaced every 6 to 12 weeks depending on the users metabolism. We gladly refund the purchase if after 3 days there is no noticable results. My study population is quite high, over 1000 units sold, and I have never been asked for a refund??? I think your study group was too small and expectant result biased.
Your article sucks. And P.S. you don't know how to spell.
I know I'm a bad spellerer
Sorry folks, my scam o meter is beeping of the charts.
This has ALL the ear marks of a scam. Watch demos closely and you will see subtle directional manipulation. Much the same as the TV Ads for the shoe implants (orthodics) that claim the balance gimic. This routine can actually be traced back to the Inidan Magician set known as "Fakirs" (No BS look it up). Slight manipulation, good understanding of body mechanics, good showmanship and you generate believers. Sadly, I've seen far too many people with no financial ax to grind get so emotionally invested in a product/process/system that they become the most zealous defenders… these are called "raving fans" and are most highlty sought after by the 'scam artists'.
Sorry folks, my scam o meter is beeping of the charts.
While at a local strip club, I bought a rubberband bracelet that says "I love boobies" on it in pink letters for $3. The $3 went to supporting breast cancer research and what not..
You people spent $20 bucks to help "cure" some imaginary problem that you would have never known or complained about until you saw the commercial/advertising for..
I bet my bracelet worked better for me than your's did for you!!
Next time, just roll down your window and hand that guy with the cardboard sign on side of the road your $20. He may, or may not drink it/smoke it… But it might just feed him for a few days..
KARMA..It's what's for dinner.. Enjoy your meal.. After all, you're your own chef
being oblivious to how the world around you works + I want to feel better without doing or changing anything = irenew is a marketable product
The irenew guys may be criminals but if people did not exercise scientific educational apathy they would not be able to sell these.
Metallurgy? Biology? The nervous system? Who gives a crap when you an just watch Jersey Shore.
Don't worry irenew sales employees, we all know the same people that buy your crap are not smart enough to find this post.
i hav e a stroke and can barely walk so this will be a good test
I don't know about any of ya'll, but I've had a dreamcatcher in my room since I was seven and I haven't had a bad dream sense. I was riddled with and plagued by nightly nightmares before I put it up. And sometimes those sugar pills can cure people just as well as the medication. What I'm asking is this: what's wrong with placebo? Even if it's all in our heads, this little 20 dollar totem can make us feel more balanced and flexible and generally just better, so why not pick one up?
Then on that severe off-chance that there's some real science behind it, those of us who just gave it a shot'll be a step ahead. Even if you're not sure there's a god you can pray, whether or not there's any force of karma you can perform good deeds–what does it cost you?
I bought two of these irenew bracelets a few years ago and it was no good, it is just a big, big scam. Please include me in your lawsuit. I would like reimbursement of this.
I still have one in my bathroom drawer. It was a few years ago and I dont have the receipt but I have the literature that came with this product. I can mail you a copy of this.
Please let me know what do do.
Helen Singh
July 10, 2010
Tommy it costs $20 to buy one of these placebo bracelets. They don't call them placebo bracelets cause nobody would buy them.
Ever notice how proponents of these things are always "engineers" or NASA control employees? Just once I'd like to read where someone confesses to being a cashier who desperately needs something to believe in. Despite what an earlier poster claimed these things are not quantum physics! By the way, I think my ability to discern a scam is a testimony to my education! Nice try "constantinos."
Mind over matter, people. Even skeptics want things to wow them so, in turn, they do. Placebo effect.…
A class action was filed yesterday in Southern California against Power Balance… alleging unfair trade practices and false advertising (go see
Pure Energy Band works. I can't say the same for any of the other products, but there's NO doubt that the Pure Energy Band has improved my balance and flexibility. It has also increased my energy level to where I no longer have to take a nap during the day to "recharge my battery". I challenge anyone to try and push me down while I'm wearing the band, if they do it PROPERLY. There will always be sceptics among us. I wouldn't be surprised if they still think that the world is flat. But, like the sceptics of old, have they ever taken the journey? Regardless of what they may say or think I advise that you see for yourself then decide. The results proven during the demonstrations are undeniable. Pure Energy Bands work!
Reggie, Not a very convincing argument you got there, but then again the people buying these just need to see the carnival trick to be convinced.
I just read every single post about these things and spit my drink up on a few occasions from the remarks about the penises. Hahaha
If you believe one word of ANYTHING on this entire site, you are a moron, plain and simple. This entire website is a scam. The first posting from the "host" was written from a skeptical point of view ON PURPOSE. Then, each post that follows, is designed to make you believe that there actually is something to all of this. NONE of what you read here is true. First, you are set up to NOT believe the claims, then the subsequent "testimonials" are purposely designed to get you to change your mind and believe the claims. I am an advertising executive with a top 5 ad agency, and this is one of the oldest scams around. Face it, the average American consumer is gullible, ingorant and all-around stupid. Are you one of them?
We do not sell any of these bracelets or get paid to post negative or positive comments. We have many very negative posts and videos on this topic. You should read the additional posts and watch the videos. These bracelet companies have posted a lot of false testimonials on this site. I am sure attorneys in the class action will ask for their ip's and information for assistance in suing them.
Well to be completly honest i think your all a bunch of idiots, weither it works or not doesnt even matter, have you ever heard of a hypnotist? Its basically for people who want to beleive that what the did works. If they beleive it does, then it does, if you dont beleive it doesnt. Some people just need a little push or edge to do they they can do but dont beleive they can. i can say right now that pissing on your hands can help you live longer, and some people will do it, does it work no, but it they think it does and they are happy, well good for them. So leave other people alone, its their money and its their beleifs, So shut up!!
So those who know that this is a scam should shut up? Not the best defense
First of all, props to sales reps stepping their scam game up on the Internet. remember back in the day when the most effort the company would do was post a completely fake story of how amazing their product was. Now they got a fake back and forth going on , with one being a skeptic with one or two comments..and a proponent with a essay explaining how it helped "balance and flexibility" lmao . I'm not's a recession, get that money…………….speaking of money, I'm an engineer, and a measly 20 bucks was the best investment I ever made for (insert crappy bracelet name here)..lmao ;p
The I renew bracelet does have one advantage, its a little
less cruel than a rabbit's foot. Perhaps the Journal of American
Medicine will someday publish long term studies of biofield
disruption causing bracelet dependence. Keep in mind when a
component of your body is their registered trademark (i.e. your
Biofield), theres a little bit of a credibility issue.
Well, color me gullible as I bought a bracelet that is from "Bionic band" and it works for me. I do have more balance and I have less pain from a chronic illness as well as more mental clarity. Is it all a placebo effect? Maybe, and I am aware of that but it still helps so I'm going to call it $20 well spent.
Ya you are gullible, you should sit and ponder that reality and think about how your life might be different if you weren't so easily led to believe in things based on emotion.
I am wearing the IRenew bracelet. It will not keep you from
falling, however, I am more steady on my feet. I have no idea
what it is, don't care, as long as it does not harm. So, all you
skeptics make all the negative remarks you like. Maybe it's
a placebo affect, but everybody has to believe in something.
So, why don't you stop blowing off the people who say this works,
and allow them to believe. I hope you are not also an Athiest.
Way to go and throw religion into this to make it seem like to not believe is being anti-God. Not all Christians are retards and many think logically about things like this. Your appeal at belief will probably ring true to those that believe in TV evengalists like Benny Hinn and Richard W Hayes, those guys make a living selling belief and hope.
You niggas best behave. I have one, i wrap it around my penis when i have sex and i last over 3 hours!!! its amazing. when i run marathons, i put one on each ankle and now i dont feel pain when running.
Alright, so…listen, it sounds washy, but the body DOES have an "energy field". It's called the "biofield", it exists, and there are currently being studies done on it mostly out of fringe science and with not much funding. It is very poorly understood. They couldn't even tell you what a "larger" one does, big or small what it does to you, etc. We just know that its there. Animals produce electrical energy big deal.
Now, the problem is because this biofield exists, there are now more and more products claiming to be able to do something or interact with it! Since arguably the inventors of these products DO NOT have access to any of the machines or whatever else necessary to be able to test for an interaction let alone all of their myriad claims, one of two things is going on:
A) Because of their poor grasp in science they believe their product works, and thus that bias taints everything about the products
B) They know its BS and are using poorly understood, barely-developed new science to justify their claims. Since the science exists and is out there it only makes it sound more plausible than it is – bonus for people who have heard of the idea but have no concept of it themselves
This is double-damaging. Bam, you have snake-oil/belief-based product AND you have a large number of people ready to discredit the idea of a body's "energy field" just because these products claim to use it. Lame.
hahaha wow, i just got one for free.
Ok maybe i can help, Im not a Dr, or a scientiest but here we go. I have done many hours of research, Yes there have been manufactures make claims they cant support however I can.. Most bands are made of silicone and say fancy words like holographic insertion of an embedded frequency that tunes the bodies natural energy field, last time i checked i cant change my TV by my bodies frequencies that is a scam and have allowed them to make millions of dollars and meet people they would have never met before. What i can say is that if you google any Negative Ion therapy you will find a vast more Pros than cons and heres why. Minerals in the body are necessary or you will DIE. We typically dont intake enough minerals in our diet.
For example: Calcium: helps bone health, reduces caramps
Magnesium: Relaxes blood vessels, helps with sleep
Potassium: Cell and nerve conduction, heart regularity, and the conduction of electrical in the body.
Also has been know to help SAD a depression and anxiety problem
Selenium, Zinc, Copper Just to name a few.
Now if these Minerals are harnessed in the right proportion they create negative ions ( AKA Minerals) which we need. There are only two ways to get Negative Ions in your system breathing them in by very expensive machines or spend 25.00 and see if it helps you. I have done so much research because we saw what they were claiming and started a company manufacturing a Band on the above principles and making no medical claims other than our band does have a patten pending propriotry blend which is mixed with the silicon because it holds the ions in, which we did choose to use the style of like other bands due to they have created the market already and all we have to do is clean it up, ALSO and more importantly to me is that we manufacture our bands in THE GOOD Ol USA so we can control and measure our output of negative ions . I too dont like wasting my money, but i can guarantee the way we make our Band is not going to make your tv or life change but it will give you a tool to fight positive ion overload computers power lines and bad food and produced that our very own FDA allows to be on the market. The CDC and the world health Organization did ten year studies on these very items. If you would like more info on our product email me at and i can send you links of our product and testing. My reply is not intended to be negative to any other post but to give some scientific measurable realities please email me and I will help you out..
These things are illegal in Australia because they have laws against scams.
If our bodies work on frequencies than I am going to build a brain hacking device… I will control you all…
I am from Iowa and would like to give you my take on this new bracelet. I did have a severe energy issue, and sore joints, and trouble sleeping. After wearing the bracelet for about a week, I had almost forgotten that I had any of those issues. In Iowa we have severe weather changes that affect your joints. To my amazement it has been very tolerable to say the least. Sleeping all night every night is also a big relief. I have more energy and an overall sense of well being. If I take the bracelet off, lord help me. I feel like my chickens are scattered. I put it on and I am back to normal within minutes. I recommend it to anyone. Have bought a back up just in case something happens to this one, I can say I do not want to be without it.
I agree that these bracelets are a scam. I bought the balance bracelet, two for one and gave one to my mother. Neither of us saw any difference in our balance. In fact I was more tired during the day than before I put it on. I wore mine for several months and finally removed it last night.
Does anyone have a package that may contain a return address where we may send these crappy things back?
I don't believe that our bodies run on electromagnetic waves. I do however believe that its possible for them to through your body "off balance". My husband bought me the bracelet yesterday and I've only been wearing it a day – whether its simply a placebo effect or mind over matter or the darn thing actually works – for the first time in months I got out of bed when my alarm went off. I went to bed round the same time I always do, but was able to get up and get moving without laying there wishing that work would never come. By the way – I work with and around computers and servers all day – – again whether its just a mind over matter thing or whether it works, it was worth $20 just for the peace of mind.
I also have chronic joint and back pain – so far today I have yet to take a single Advil or Excedrin for my hips knees or shoulders. Nothing hurts…so again I dunno if its mind over matter or it works – – all I know is I don't hurt anymore and I'm ecstatic.
I don't know what to think. Those of you who say it's a scam, probably don't believe a toaster can turn bread into toast. Those of you who say it's really amazing have lifted a car up off of the ground. I think as a "great healing machine" it's a bit of a letdown. But as for slightly dulling joint aches and for helping to slightly loosen a tight neck, it's a pretty effective tool. I don't know about sleeping better or worse. I haven't tried any balance test or anything like that. As for helping with knee, ankle, neck, back, or any joint type pain I think it does offer at least some benefit and it's a lot cheaper than paying 75 dollars to have an MD tell you to take Ibuprofen. No pills, just wear a bracelet.
I only bought the Power Balance bracelet b/c I think it looks cool. I got it for 2 dollars through one of's vendors. I wouldn't buy it for anything close to their supposed retail value and I certainly didn't get it for any health benefits.