Remember how billboards in Tyler starting popping up that read, “Tyler is now Cleveland Brown territory.”? Hmm… Where are those billboards now? How is Johnny doing with the Browns? Wait, what? He’s a third string? On Cleveland? Is this a joke?
Hopefully the Manziel family who posted those billboards doesn’t actually still believe that. I’d hope the Manziels realize they’re not convincing anyone. If there’s one thing Johnny has accomplished so far in his pro football career, it’s getting other football fans to feel sorry for Cleveland, I mean, maybe just a little.
They’re the ones who drafted him so they have to live with that decision but who thought it would turn into this much of a hassle. The kid had supposedly “grown up” prior to the season. I certainly have seen no maturing on or off the field and the fact he’s losing his starting position IN CLEVELAND, a graveyard for quarterbacks, to Josh McCown, well that’s saying a lot about Johnny Drama.
The former Aggie has “bust” written all over him and again, it’s a joke that Tyler is Cleveland Brown territory. Johnny is a joke. I’m just glad that Tyler’s not actually his home, otherwise he would make our town a joke.
Tags: Johnny Manziel